On Wednesday 05 October 2016 05:08:52 andy pugh wrote:

> On 5 October 2016 at 07:20, Danny Miller <dan...@austin.rr.com> wrote:
> > I was going through the HAL and noticed the per-axis ini parameters
> > are there.
> >
> > Can they be changed without rebooting?
> I assume that they must be, otherwise there is no point in the HAL
> pins existing.
> (And they are input pins, so exist for setting the values).

Which I have done useing the hal show config pulldown, but I'd also say 
that is about as clumsy a way as can be because you have to keep 
reselecting that parameter in order to see the new value.

I could see something carved up in gladevcp or pyvcp to couple some .hal 
scripts to effect that, which it might be possible to access in the 
gcode by a halui function calling a couple of remapped m100+ functions.

Mind you I have not done it because the foray's I have played with are 
those functions in the "align.zip" software kit. It could indeed run the 
machine to point the camera at the place the tool was, but without any 
command to revert it being visible, it turns around and runs it back to 
the starting position with no pause.  And when I asked about it, no 
response.  I assume because no one else can see the potential utility in 
being able to just clamp down the work in any old orientation, and use 
it to adjust the coordinate map to effectively square it up as if being 
held in a fixed jig. Very handy for carving a double-sided pcb in 
perfect registration for instance. So those camon/camoff buttons along 
with the align buttons are still there in my gui, but useless.

Perhaps what Danny wants to do is similar enough that a solution might be 
found for both of us? I don't know. I burned up at least 2 weeks, making 
a removable camera mount that could be used to find a feature on the 
workpiece that would consistently be removed and remounted, still 
centered on that feature.  So the camera problem is solved, but the 
software is not.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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