On 02/15/2017 08:24 AM, dragon wrote:
> So some more questions about VFDs...
> What are the advantages of a sensorless vector drive and is it worth the
> extra cost?
> Are there any sensorless vector drives that have a supported modbus driver?
> Is there a list of VFDs with linuxCNC modbus support somewhere other than...
> http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?VFD_Modbus
> and the HY series of Huanyang drives?

For a basic mill or lathe spindle modifying an existing VFD HAL 
component to your VFD is not hard to do. There are two basic parts to 
the component; the Modbus connection/communication, and the VFD 
data/HALpin configuration.

The Modbus bit needs to know what port, protocol, rate to use.

Then what to send/receive on the Modbus connection needs to be set up, 
such as a set of VFD functions (Forward, Reverse, Stop, Brake, Speed, 
etc. ) and the associated the data words/registers for the particular VFD.

An existing VFD HAL component will have all of this in place. It's just 
a matter of consulting the manual for the new VFD to edit the details. 
This should be easyish for someone handy at making other HAL components.

For extra credit, ideally, a VFD component could just describe the 
available functions and options for communications. Then Modbus HAL 
components could be made for a mix of servers, clients and channels 
independently of the device details. I think work has been done in this 
regard, but it tends to not be widely published. :(
Hmm ..., maybe here:

Kirk Wallace

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