Sorry for the confusion, I meant to ask if this configuration is good
for running with the SPINx1

loadrt pwmgen output_type=0
addf pwmgen.update servo-thread
addf pwmgen.make-pulses base-thread
net spindle-speed-cmd motion.spindle-speed-out => pwmgen.0.value
net spindle-on motion.spindle-on => pwmgen.0.enable
net spindle-pwm pwmgen.0.pwm =>
# Set the spindle's top speed in RPM
setp pwmgen.0.scale 1800

with say the scale set to 6000 rpm, it is going to work as is ?


On Tue, 2017-02-21 at 16:54 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Tuesday 21 February 2017 12:15:22 Valerio Bellizzomi wrote:
> > From the LinuxCNC manual I see an example :
> >
> >
> > loadrt pwmgen output_type=0
> > addf pwmgen.update servo-thread
> > addf pwmgen.make-pulses base-thread
> > net spindle-speed-cmd motion.spindle-speed-out => pwmgen.0.value
> > net spindle-on motion.spindle-on => pwmgen.0.enable
> > net spindle-pwm pwmgen.0.pwm =>
> > # Set the spindle's top speed in RPM
> > setp pwmgen.0.scale 1800
> >
> >
> > is this sufficient to get the spindle going ?
> >
> This would be for purely software driving, which generally cannot drive a 
> machine to anything resembling high speeds when it is supposed to be 
> making a G0 move.
> Thats is why the majority of us use a smart card, which in some cases can 
> be its own breakoutboard too.  Such is the case with all but one of my 
> machines, and that one can only move around 8ipm cutting and 10 or so at 
> full throttle. My stuff with more std interfaces can move 40 to 75 ipm 
> without missing a beat.

> Also associated in the speed limits are the limited drive currants 
> available from the parport. Getting 10 mills out to drive the stepper 
> drivers doesn't turn on the opto's all that fast, so that contributes to 
> the speed limit. Most of the accessory boards can sink 24 mills, easily 
> turning the led on in the isolation circuitry of the driver.
> But the most telling in using a parport with direct drive is the pulse 
> jitter, as indicated by running latency-test for half an hour or so. 
> Every time you see a spike/raise in the displayed time of the 
> base-thread, thats a long step, and the motor may well stop while 
> waiting for the next step, but when the cpu, even running an rtai 
> kernel, will then try to catch up when it does get free of whatever it 
> was doing, but the motor isn't able to re-accelerate that fast so it 
> stalls.  And everytime it stalls, you have a damaged or wrecked part.
> That makes spending the sheckels for a smart card interface very much 
> desirable. If that interface can also be the BoB, thats a desirable 
> economy. There are several mesa cards that meet that criteria, and I'm 
> fond of the 7i90HD, which gives you a big pile of very steady heartbeat 
> signals, as high as 8 stepper drivers, 4 pwm generators, and 4 encoder 
> inputs.  What you do not use, can be removed from the load 
> configuration, and those pins then used as General Purpose I/O, for a 
> grand total of 72 of them. The 7i90 can be driven by a std EPP capable 
> printer port, (yours may or may not be EPP capable, and mainboard 
> manuals do not always state the truth) or by an SPI port. 
> So please reconsider how you are going to interface to the machinery. 
> Getting some isolation between the computer and its jitter pulse 
> generation is something you'll never regret.
> Where on this ball of rock and water are you?
> > On Tue, 2017-02-21 at 11:26 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > On Tuesday 21 February 2017 07:33:28 Valerio Bellizzomi wrote:
> > > > Hello,
> > > > the SpinX1 manual says it acts like a potentiometer, the figure on
> > > > page C-13 of the VFD's manual shows the VIA contact to be
> > > > connected to an external potentiometer
> > > >
> > > > is that the right  way to connect the spinx1 ?
> > >
> > > Yes, it has silk screened names. Its a totally isolated thing on the
> > > VFD side. The vfd  should have a common, a nominally 12 volt plus
> > > source when measured to the common.
> > >
> > > The fwd and rev signals are separated by the spinx1, and generally
> > > on the VFD side respond to a closure to this common to enable it to
> > > respond to the voltage from the "arm" of the potentiometer.  On the
> > > computer side, you will need to dedicate on pin of the BoB as an
> > > enable signal and wire it up in the hal file.
> > >
> > > You will need, if using the mesa cards, something that faintly
> > > resembles this to get the LCNC speed signal hooked to the spinx1:
> > > ##############################################################
> > > # Hook pwmgen.00 to the spindle speed and set for PDM output #
> > > ##############################################################
> > > setp    hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.pwmgen.00.scale        
> > > [SPINDLE_9]PWMGEN_S_SCALE setp   
> > > hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.pwmgen.pwm_frequency   
> > > [SPINDLE_9]PWMGEN_S_FREQ #setp  
> > > hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.pwmgen.pwm_freq        
> > > [SPINDLE_9]PWMGEN_S_FREQ setp   
> > > hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.pwmgen.00.output-type  
> > > hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.pwmgen.pdm_frequency   
> > >
> > > The data being referred in the right hand argument to needs assigned
> > > in the [SPINDLE_9] section of your .ini file.
> > >
> > > Now, I don't see below, what breakout you are using so I'll just
> > > copy and paste from my setup. Keep in mind that these will NOT match
> > > yours, but will show you approximately what you need.
> > > First, setup the enable signal which in my case uses a gpio
> > > pin in my 7i90 card.
> > >
> > > First, you need to set the output pins for all axis's used as
> > > inverting and true low,
> > >
> > > # Turn pulses to true low, opendrain so they are closures to ground.
> > > # stepgen 00
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.gpio.000.invert_output 1
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.gpio.000.is_opendrain 1
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.gpio.001.invert_output 1
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.gpio.001.is_opendrain 1
> > > # stepgen 01
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.gpio.002.invert_output 1
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.gpio.002.is_opendrain 1
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.gpio.003.invert_output 1
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.gpio.003.is_opendrain 1
> > > # stepgen 03
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.gpio.018.invert_output 1
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.gpio.018.is_opendrain 1
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.gpio.019.invert_output 1
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.gpio.019.is_opendrain 1
> > >
> > > # the above gpio numbers correspond to the outputs of the canned
> > > code in the FPGA's installed firmware for the stepgens I use, and
> > > the PDM signal from the pwmgen module in the cards firmware.
> > >
> > > And the reason I keep calling it PDM is that is a ditherless
> > > method of getting quite smooth speed signals from a basically
> > > digital circuit.  That is done as the modules are enabled in
> > > the .ini file by a line grouping like this:
> > >
> > > [SPINDLE_9]
> > > # 16.6 is close to 100 revs per click in low belt position
> > > PWMGEN_S_SCALE  = 16.6
> > > # make it run in PDM mode, is self smoothing then
> > > PWMGEN_S_FREQ           =       1
> > > PWMGEN_OUTPUT_TYPE      =       3
> > > PDMGEN_PDM_FREQUENCY            =       10000
> > >
> > > # the SCALE above sets it to run the spindle at 100 rpm per
> > > click on the + button, when the backgear is not engaged and
> > > the belt is in the lowest speed grooves of the pulleys. All of
> > > these settings are of course your personal choices. PDM_FREQUENCY
> > > is a balance between update rate and quantization of the speed
> > > change. A lower frequency is higher resolution but it should be fast
> > > enough so the motor speed doesn't ripple. 10000 is a good choice for
> > > me with my fake vfd..
> > >
> > > sets emcmot.00.enable FALSE
> > > net emcmot.00.enable <= joint.0.amp-enable-out
> > > net emcmot.00.enable => hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.stepgen.03.enable
> > > Thats not all of that stuff, but you'll get the idea.
> > >
> > > A gpio pin is an input unless told otherwise, and all signals
> > > are closures to ground, with 5 volts fed to the + terminals on
> > > the axis motor drivers, with your step/dirs connected to the -
> > > terminal on the drivers control plug.
> > >
> > > ####################################################################
> > >############# # Setup vfd drive enable yadda yadda, building down
> > > from top down forward first # # The SpinX1 only needs pwm and dir I
> > > thought, but needs an ena(ble) too.
> > > ####################################################################
> > >############# # start with SpinX1's dir which has to be converted to
> > > an output of the correct polarity setp
> > > hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.gpio.071.is_output 1
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.gpio.071.invert_output 1
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.gpio.071.is_opendrain 1
> > > # this is the green jumper wire from the SpinX1's FWD, to 7i90-p3-47
> > > net reverse_vfd <= motion.spindle-reverse =>
> > > hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.gpio.071.out
> > >
> > > # and the spinX1 does need an enable, so setup gpio.070 for that
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.gpio.070.is_output 1
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.gpio.070.invert_output 1
> > > setp hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.gpio.070.is_opendrain 1
> > > # net line moved to be combined with enable_vfd below
> > > net enable_vfd  <= motion.spindle-on
> > > net enable_vfd  => hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.pwmgen.00.enable
> > > net enable_vfd  => hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.gpio.070.out
> > >
> > > The above demonstrates then when a "net" signal is defined, the next
> > > argument on that line becomes the source for that signal.  The next
> > > two lines show where that signal is to be sent.
> > > IF they are in the sequence shown, the => and <= gismo's are
> > > optional.
> > >
> > > Currently, do NOT put a comment as a trailing #comment, put it on
> > > its own line.
> > >
> > > ###########################################################
> > > # make the vfd's pdm drive unidirectional, fwd/rev handles that #
> > > # but the SpinX1 needs a DIR, which is on P1-43
> > > ###########################################################
> > > net spindle-vel-cmd-rps  <=  motion.spindle-speed-out-rps
> > > net spindle-vel-cmd-rps  =>
> > > # this come out on P1-41 as the pulse Duration Modulated signal to
> > > the SpinX1, red jumper net spindle-unispeed <= spindle-abs.out =>   
> > >   hm2_[HOSTMOT2](BOARD).0.pwmgen.00.value
> > >
> > > This is, without a doubt, incomplete, but with the halmeters help,
> > > you should see whats missing.  Yell if the water is still rising. :)
> > >
> > > > On Thu, 2017-02-16 at 08:56 -0800, Kirk Wallace wrote:
> > > > > On 02/16/2017 03:37 AM, Valerio Bellizzomi wrote:
> > > > > ... snip
> > > > >
> > > > > > the VFD is a Toshiba VFS15-4037PL-W, it has a Forward input, a
> > > > > > Reverse input, and a current speed input (and alternatively a
> > > > > > 0-10V input). There isn't an enable input. I do not need the
> > > > > > reverse so it should be two parallel pins, one for forward and
> > > > > > one for speed.
> > > > >
> > > > > ... snip
> > > > >
> > > > > I found a manual here:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > I usually first check the overview graphic which seems to be on
> > > > > page B-4. I see the F terminal which could just be shorted to
> > > > > common to activate it. The speed potentiometer is shown too. PWM
> > > > > could simulate that. I also see theRS485 connector. I did a
> > > > > search in the document for "485" and found page C-4, which shows
> > > > > some control options; terminal (relay), keypad, RS485 (Modbus?),
> > > > > CAN (cool), communication(what the heck?). Just below are some
> > > > > speed setting options. This should be a nice VFD.
> > > > >
> > > > > A little farther down from B-4 are the I/O circuit options.
> > > > > Looking at the F entry, it basically says shorting the F
> > > > > terminal to CC will start forward rotation. You can use a
> > > > > parallel port pin to control a small solid state relay or
> > > > > opto-isolator. It just needs to tolerate 24 Volts on the output.
> > > > >
> > > > > It looks like the VIA (voltage, input, analog?) is a speed
> > > > > input. The same parallel port pin to solid state relay or
> > > > > opto-isolator as F above may be used, except it only needs 10
> > > > > Volt tolerence. Terminal PP is the 10 Volt source (CC common
> > > > > isn't needed, most likely). The signal from the parallel port
> > > > > pin should use PWM or PDM.
> > > > >
> > > > > If you have a BOB (Break Out Board), post a make/model and/or
> > > > > picture or other information. It may be useful for the above
> > > > > connections.
> > > > >
> > > > > It looks like page D-3 is a good place to start VFD programing.
> > > > >
> > > > > The above may be wrong or missing some information, so study the
> > > > > manual and decide for yourself what to do. I would get a mains
> > > > > input noise filter right of the bat, so you don't have to chase
> > > > > down weird issues while trying to learn how to use your VFD.
> > > > > Hmm... It looks like your VFD already has a built-in noise
> > > > > filter.
> > > >
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> > > Cheers, Gene Heskett
> >
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> Cheers, Gene Heskett

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