On Sunday 12 March 2017 11:34:27 dragon wrote:

> For about three years now, I know of no other applications that has
> issues with noatime other than Mutt. Everyone always says 'but it
> breaks programs like Mutt' but in reality these days, my experience
> has been that it only breaks Mutt. There used to be more applications
> that it caused issues with but mostly they have either been patched or
> deprecated. I have been using noatime for about 5 years now and have
> experienced no issues with it on everything from desktops to servers
> to dedicated appliance type setups for realtime audio and radio
> automation.
> From what I have read, SSHFS has a bit more overhead in comparison to
> NFS. In fairness though, I have never personally tested for it.
> Perhaps someone else on the list has more info. On a desktop or server
> I wouldn't sweat it too much but on the Pi it could make a difference.
> You could just try both and see what happens. I have used both of
> them, depending on the situation, but have never compared the impact
> on system performance. Personally I wouldn't encrypt the remote mount
> on a secure LAN when using the Pi unless sensitive data was involved.
> That just seems like a lot of extra clock cycles for the little Pi,
> but perhaps I am worrying about nothing.

The ssh encryption lag over the wire doesn't seem to be noticeable, gcode 
files are rarely over 300k in size if machine generated, while what I 
write, because I use loop structures everyplace I can, is rarely over 
300 lines, and one routine I wrote to sharpen carbide toothed table saw 
blades, takes about a day and a half to run, is actually less than 50 
lines. Finding a bug in machine generated code is nigh impossible, but a 
bug in my own code, because its probably in a subroutine, and repeated 
possibly 100's of times, is pretty easily found and fixed.

> Amanda... check the perms on the directory itself, in addition to what
> is set up for the mount.

If the mount has not been done, amanda doesn't complain, and it skips 
that directory like the good little girl she usually is. Here on this 
machine its 777. And while I am first user=1000 as gene here, there I'm 
first user=1000 as pi. tar is 1.27.1 on both.  Same pw on both even. One 
of those things that if I scratched my head over it, the hair would be 
thinner than it already is at 82yo. :)


> > Thanks for the clarification, Erik.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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