On Fri, 2017-04-21 at 11:03 +0100, andy pugh wrote:
> On 21 April 2017 at 10:36, Valerio Bellizzomi <vale...@selnet.org> wrote:
> >
> > it is locked, that means current is flowing through the windings.
> Indeed, and also means that the drive is probably ready to move, but
> not seeing step-pulses.
> With the test window open, open a terminal and type
> halcmd loadusr halmeter pin hm2_5i25.0.stepgen.00.counts

The X stepgen is show as 5 in the tab, and as
hm2_5i25.0.stepgen.05.counts in the test window, and it is changing
while I press the movement button

> That should open a halmeter window, and you can check that LinuxCNC
> thinks that step pulses are being sent (you can select to look at
> different stepgens if necessary)

I don't understand why the first connector is show as 5 !?

> If the "counts" pin isn't moving then it is probably a scaling
> problem, perhaps you need to move a whole inch (mm?) to create a
> single step pulse.

I have done math for the scaling, not any magic, just motors have 200
steps/rev, in the drive microstepping setup at 800 microsteps, pitch is
5mm/rev, scale is 160 microsteps/mm.

> If it is moving only slightly, then check that the motor isn't moving
> imperceptibly.

It doesn't move at all

> If it moves a lot, and the motor isn't moving, then perhaps you have a
> wiring error, or the pulse length is too short, or you are not wired
> to the correct header.

probably, another header is shown in the tab, because its number is 5,
but I have wired the motor to TB2 starting from pin 2 (step0-) to PUL-
on the drive. Why the first connector pin is not displayed as number
0 ? ...

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