On Saturday 29 July 2017 12:10:31 Tomaz T. wrote:

> I have air pressure switch to control if there is enough air pressure.
> Now I would like that this is also condition for enabling machine to
> run.
> I would need a little help how to correctly add this to hal.

This is not your problem of coarse, but you may be able to borrow the 
idea from this code snippet, which I did to cause a shutdown if I had 
left the spindle backgear in neutral.  It works fast enough I don't 
have to stand there listening to the motor unwind before I can fix my 
screwup and resume the attempt to run my code. Warning long lines may
wrap in your email agent!

loadrt  and2            names=estop_detect
loadrt  not             names=not.load,not.spndl,estop_inv 
loadrt  oneshot         names=spndlmoving
loadrt  timedelay       names=spndlcmddelay
#======================later in file======================
#sequence the stopped spindle shutdown, maintain order here
addf    spndlmoving     servo-thread
addf    spndlcmddelay   servo-thread
addf    estop_detect    servo-thread    # a tristate_bit for backgear in 
neutral safety shutdown
addf    estop_inv       servo-thread
#==============and 375 lines later======================
# lets kill things if spindle on, but no motion
# based on a delayed motion.spindle-on for starters
setp    spndlcmddelay.on-delay          .2 # time to detect spindle movement
setp    spndlcmddelay.off-delay         .1 
net     spindle-on   <=   motion.spindle-on =>  spndlcmddelay.in # to be 
delayed by on-delay
# works, gives true  when spindle turned on, so feed it to a tristate_bit called
# estop_detect to enable it, 
net     estop10      <=   spndlcmddelay.out =>  estop_detect.in1
# next, is spindle moving? Needs turnaround time for g33.1
setp    spndlmoving.width  0.4  #seconds it can stop w/o triggering a shutdown
setp    spndlmoving.retriggerable   True
setp    spndlmoving.rising          True
setp    spndlmoving.falling         False
net     trigger_move  <=  hm2_5i25.0.encoder.00.input-b  => spndlmoving.in
# now feed the and2
net     shutrdown       <= spndlmoving.out-not => estop_detect.in0
net     gateholderdown  <= estop_detect.out  =>  estop_inv.in
net     shutitdown      <= estop_inv.out =>  motion.enable # shuts it down

Now, I haven't a clue how you've wired your pressure switch, so I can't help
there, but there may be an idea you can use in the .hal snippets above.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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