As I recall, there was a specific comment that lathes were not yet
supported.  For now I think I'll leave it alone because even if it were
supported there are so many things on my plate that I wouldn't be able to
test it anyway.  Unfair to put pressure on Charles or anyone to get
something working and then not use it.

Going way back 10 years to when I first started the E-Leadscrew project,
cost was a factor to adding electronic gearing.  One of the costs was a
decent quadrature encoder with 250 lines to fit the spindle.  Turns out the
encoder disk wasn't that expensive for the size spindle of the SB 10L.  Only
about $70.  But I'd have to buy 100.  That put it out of reach.

An alternative was an encoder driven by a toothed belt and pulleys from the
SB spindle.  Again, cost of all the bits and pieces for that came close to
the target price for the ELS which back then was only $150.  This was all
before Beagles and Pi modules.

At this point if I did add a Beagle to do CNC on the lathe I'd want to
include the 4.3" touch screen cape and use a similar interface that I have
for the ELS.  I just don't have a need for a CNC lathe.

And to be truthful, for the amount I use the lathe and the number of metric
threads I cut the ELS is the perfect solution.  Perhaps one day I'll find a
project that requires both Z and X to be powered and has to do more than
what my ELS does.  But for now, the biggest issue with turning is pulling
out the spiral bits of metal as the lathe cuts.

Thank you for the suggestion.  I know it's something that should be followed


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jon Elson []
> Sent: October-13-17 10:01 PM
> To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] MachineKit on the BeagleBone Black
> On 10/13/2017 05:13 PM, John Dammeyer wrote:
> > The desire for the Beagle with me was originally that with LinuxCNC and
> quadrature encoder on the spindle along with the hardware QEP handled by
> PRU we'd have an awesome little lathe controller.  Alas, that's the one
thing in
> MachineKit that hasn't been addressed yet.
> The PRU code by Charles Steinkuehler definitely supports
> encoders, if you tell it to instantiate one or more.
> I don't know the particulars, but they are in the PRU code.
> You might send Charles a message, he is VERY helpful.
> Once the encoder is instantiated, it is just a matter of
> hooking the right hal pins to the pins exported by the PRU
> driver.
> Jon
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