Greetings everybody;

I just came in from putting the finishing touches on that MT5-5C adapter 
I bought from Grizzly, finding it wasn't the MT5 my sheldon wanted as 
its called a short MT5 in the spindle description.

First. I had to regrind the MT5 in the spindle as the spindle was bent, 
around 7 thou at the mouth, I assume from the sudden stop with a chuck 
mounted in the same fallover that demolished the compound. Got that 
fixed but then tried to clean up the adapter I got with the lathe, which 
was obviously a shop made part that was never compared to a 5C drawing. 
The inner bore was all over for size, the taper seat angle was maybe 8 
degrees. So I bought another from Grizzly. 

I took around 2.25" off the small end. then bought some 1.75" alu rod and 
made a short MT5 on one end, but threaded for the drawbar tubes threads 
on the end.  Then I turned it around and pulled it solidly into the 
spindle and carved a 5C profile on the other end, overshooting the small 
end cut by about 2 thou, shloppy fit.  Cleaned it up, cleaned up a 
knurling tool and gave it a crosshatch about 5 thou tall. filled 
crosshatch with permatex liquid metal. Gave that a day to harden and cut 
it back to the right size. Grizzly part, turned end for end, seated 
well, so I set the grinder back up and ground it to an MT5 taper whose 
big end was about a thou bigger than the mouth of my now slightly larger 
spindle. Measured how deep the short MT5 was, and shortened it to about 
1/8" less.

Then on putting it into the spindle and starting the spindle and from the 
contact pattern on the ER-40 adapter telling me it wasn't ground to a 10 
degree angle, but it was obvious, you could see it from 6 feet away, 
that the tapered section the ER-40 was supposed to seat in, was 
eccentric by a measured 16 thou!

So I cleaned it and the spindle, seated it in the spindle, drove it in 
with a dead blow, set up the grinder and made that both concentric and 
10 degrees. Mouth of ER-40 adapter run-out now about .00012". Unwrapped 
the new nut, (the one that came with the adapter had 20+ thou wobble in 
its seating cone) a ball bearing type, cleaned it up, unwrapped a 1/2" 
collet, and stuck a 2' piece of A2 in it. Drew it down with the wrench I 
bought with it, then gave the wrench a couple whacks with a deadblow. 
Dial says .0001" on the A2 at the collet, and .0004" an inch from the 

I think that calls for a minor celebration.  Makes for a VBWGrin anyway.

Moving the dial with the carriage also tells me the head on this thing 
isn't well trammed. The error, assuming the A2 isn't tapered, is about a 

What sort of a measuring setup does it take to measure that?

But so far my work to correct the bent spindle has I think been 
successfull. I not touched the outside of it. but I have the new 4 jaw 
chuck running within .0006" of true, and some of that may be warpage 
from tight mounting bolts, its a very noisy .0006".

And I will do the same backplate cleanup on the 3 jaw.

I'll make a real lathe outta this $2000, 1500 lb pile of scrap yet! ;-)

Thanks for reading guys, comment if you like.
Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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