
Trying to cut a short trench in the "tap hat" to put that m4 (7mm 
diameter) screw head into.

Machine is touched off just out of end of workpiece.

Code, with G3 line copy/pasted from
#<_pocket_width>        =       0.27900 (about 7mm's)
#<_tool_dia>            =       0.24900 (let dull tool flex .0005")
( assumes mill is 1/4" thru, so circle diameter is .0300")
#<_circle_dia>          =       [#<_pocket_width> - #<_tool_dia>]
#<_wobble>              =       [#<_circle_dia> / .5000000] ( .015" Y trades 
sign at 
( x stop, draw semi circle to other side of wobble )
#<_x_minus>                     =       -0.3000000 (depth of circle center from 
ends of arc)
#<_x_safe>                      =       0.1500000 (out of workpiece)
#<_y_center>                    =       0.0000000 (for reference)
#<_z_top>                       =       0.28000000  (top surface of jig)
#<_z_final>                     =       -0.0780000 (depth into jig to cut 2mm 
into brass)
#<_z_dec>                       =       [0.3580000 /20] (establish cut 
(debug, zdec=#<_z_dec>)
#<_z_tmp>                       =       #<_z_top>
m6t10 (tool image small enough I can see past it in Z view)

o100 WHILE [#<_z_tmp> gt #<_z_final>] (do depth loop)

#<_z_tmp>                       =       [#<_z_tmp> - #<_z_dec>] (decr depth 
till done)

G90 (absolute distance mode for depth)

(G1 F10 z#<_z_tmp>)

G0 z0.3 (cut air)

G1 F5 x#<_x_safe> ( put x out of workpiece)

G1 F10 y#<_wobble> (now put Y at plus offset location)

G1 F5 x#<_x_minus> (drive x to start of 180 degree arc)

G91 (incremental distances for arc)

G91.1 (incremental distances for IJK in arcs, normal IOW)

( draw a semi-circle in climb mode, ccw from 90 to 270 degrees)
( this runs y .12", .06 up to .06 down )
G3 X-0.0000 Y-0.0600 I-0.0000 J-0.0600
G90 (back to absolute distances )

G1 F5 y-#<_wobble> (should already be here)
(should be back to -wobble)

G1 F5 x#<_x_safe> ( cut other edge of trench back out of workpiece)

And nothing I adjust can keep me from huge G3 errors, or zero radius 

This is, or sure looks like, errors like I was getting when I attempted 
to carve the pillows. There I asked for help but got crickets, so I 
finally wound up digging the trenchs with a SIN[#<_deg>] and a 
COS[#<_deg>] for the starting XZ position of a cut nearly 4" long on the 
Y axis. Worked a treat but took a while since I was only incrementing 
#<_deg> by 1 degree at a time.

What error(s) are there in the above code?

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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