
Looking around for some more cheap metric ER-20 stuff, I stumbled over a 
kit on ebay that had the TTS like adapter as part of the kit. So I 
bought 2 sets of them. $40 a copy, or $79.something for 2 sets.

The adapter looked like it was the std 3/4 diameter stem. But when they 
arrived, the 3/4" diameter stem had a full length flat, like it was 
intended to be used in a spindle with a 3/4" bore and set screws.

This would, if a 3/4" R8 collet could be found with a D shaped bore, be 
yet another way to remove one potential slip point in trying to hold a 
tap for rigid tapping.

The url if it still exists, and if you look close, that flat on the shank 
can be seen, is: 


Has anyone else seen such a R8 critter, and what would it be called so it 
can be found in the throngs of such stuff from the asian's?

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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