On Saturday 16 June 2018 21:40:08 jeremy youngs wrote:

> Gene, it was an inference I knew you would get, all those years
> working the dairy farm in upstate, I only cook with the real thing.
> Having lost my grandma,mom and my brother now type 2 I strive really
> hard to keep lean and sugar low. I gave up sodas, heavy drinking,
> breads and anything else with unnatural sugars in it. At 42, 6'1 and
> 175 I hope it helps. I think my heart will wipe me out first, 1 open
> heart surgery already logged. Heart is great it's the arteries and
> aortic aneurysm I fear will cause the long , unexpected and hopefully
> painless sleep.

I've had my own 10 minute warning buzzer, a pulmonary embolism 3 or 4 
years ago.  Not really related to me being a DM-II,  but I was taking a 
multi-vitamin that had lots of vitamin k in it, so now my daily 
pilltainer gets stocked with everything else but...

And 7.5 mg of warfarin just to make sure I'll bleed to death, but somehow 
I still clot and seal up in a couple minutes. I've had to check back in 
for a few bags of heperin a couple times since.

As far as cuts & bruises, I've outlived all my enemies but one, me.  At 
83, twice your age, and getting clumsy, because my legs are about worn 
out, I am my own worst enemy.

> Chris , oddly enough I didn't even check digikey, I just let the eBay
> rip. I'm getting consternated on this subject. I keep promising photos
> but in keeping up with the shop traffic and the 86 Chevy restoration
> and funding all of these neat things I haven't yet found the time.
> Alas the damage is done. These capacitors are screw mount so if I get
> the time between backhoe hose and 460 engine removal tomorrow I will
> post some pics . I am striving for a top performing machine and things
> keep working out do that should well happen.
> TTYL thanks guys.

We would appreciate some pix of this as it takes shape.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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