This thread may help you with the Proma THC and LinuxCNC <>


On 16/08/18 17:58, Todd Zuercher wrote:
Thanks Les,  That seemed to be a very helpful unbiased response.

The THC they have for it is a Proma THC 150, and it's connected via the Gecko 
540 to the parallel port.  So making that work with Linuxcnc shouldn't be too 
difficult, would it?

Todd Zuercher
P. Graham Dunn Inc.
630 Henry Street
Dalton, Ohio 44618
Phone:  (330)828-2105ext. 2031

-----Original Message-----
From: Les Newell <>
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2018 12:07 PM
To: Todd Zuercher <>
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Linuxcnc vs Mach3 for Plasma Cutter?

I have a lot of customers running both Mach3 and LinuxCNC. Setting up THC with 
LinuxCNC is not very well documented so it is quite a bit of work. However once 
set up in my opinion it works better. For instance in
Mach3 if you try to turn THC on or off while moving (e.g to prevent torch dive 
on corners) the machine will hesitate, leaving a mark in the part. LinuxCNC 
also has a really smooth path planner so you should get more consistent and 
cleaner cuts. If you run Mach3 I would suggest using it with an external 
controller rather than the parallel port. Just be sure the controller supports 
THC (not all do).

While LinuxCNC is in my opinion better the difference isn't that huge and only 
really makes a difference if you are pushing the limits of what plasma can do. 
If you're just making brackets and general fabrication work either will work 


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