On 01/28/2019 04:28 AM, andy pugh wrote:
It is curious that the Sheldon R series is absent from lathes.co.uk, but then so is the Holbrook H series.
They were not made in great numbers, although I have seen 2 others in shops. One was at
Washtenaw Community College, where we had a few CNC Workshops.

There was an early R-series (before roughly 1968) that was much less sophisticated (no separate feed driveshaft, standard "Rockwell" style QC box, and the late R-series that had the feed shaft and the 80-speed QC. Both had a really impressive headstock about the size of a V-8 engine block, with a 2.5" spindle through hole. Several spindle mounts were available, mine has a D1-6.


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