On 01/18/2020 01:14 PM, andrew beck wrote:
Hi guys

I was just wondering who here has retrofitted any big commercial machines
with linuxcnc  and who actually uses there machine to make parts everyday.
I work in machine shops and am using fagor/ siemens/ controllers all the
time.  and I am retrofitting a cnc mill myself as a project and so I can
start my own machine shop at home on the farm.

Stuart Stevenson made these videos when he was previously at MPM in Wichita, KS.




He had 2 GIANT Cincinnatti 5-axis mills there, one previously retrofitted with OpenCNC, and this one with LinuxCNC. He built a 5-axis error compensation matrix to correct motion alignment errors in the machine, and added this to the LinuxCNC code. The demo with the 3 indicators on the big ball shows that the errors are well compensated while all 5 axes are in motion.

MPM also had a colossal Giddings and Lewis horizontal boring mill, also run by LinuxCNC.

He later left MPM and set up his own shop where he has a couple more of the 5-axis Cincis, and a bunch
of other machines.

I don't make parts every day, but most of the work on my Bridgeport is for commercial production. But, since I am the only guy here, I have to do all the other work as well.

I'm helping a local guy retrofit a Hardinge CHNC I lathe which will go into commercial production when
we get it finished.


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