Hi all,

A couple of days ago my 525 motherboard crashed. Really crashed! It has been flaky for months but never any clue as to the problem. This time it refused to boot so I grabbed a new disc and installed stretch ... iso. Looks pretty, comes up nicely.

However invoking linuxcnc only brings up the ---sim stuff. I can get at other stuff thru by-interface but in frustration manually copied the 5i20.ini, hm2-servo.hal, in to configs and edited the ini to reflect reasonable values for my system. Asked for tklinuxcnc because it is easy. All that will come up is axis. Tried gmoccapy and got some error message. Does anything except axis run under stretch? How do i get the whole tree to display on startup? TIA


p.s. I try to run as long as possible on one configuration. I'm into making chips not experimenting with systems. ;-)

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