> > You care where the loop are because if they are in your PC you need a
> > special PC with a special OS.
> Special PC? Pretty much any PC will work. I guess you could call the OS 
> special but not nearly as special as an RTOS on an external processor. 
> If you are really that terrified of Linux, run LCNC headless and write a 
> Windows or web app to talk to it. The LCNC PC then becomes your external 
> CPU box.

Guess a raspberry will work fine, also small enough to put on a din rail or 
similar. It must be a device cheap and readily available, I know some of 
devices similar as this used on raspberry have time triggered send of Ethernet 
messages which is nice but more than needed for a few axis but are not certain 
about this used in Raspberry.

Used PLC with similar or same chip and it does not have any kind of local user 
interface instead I use Ethernet and ordinary to computer to communicate with 
it. Could follow what happen in real time and receive data sent periodically 
over Ethernet but could not be really certain which messages get priority if 
there is more traffic. Often use Youtube, it is more bandwidth but slower 
update rate and certain there is a receive buffer, most of the time but not 
always perfect then used for other things, it will however not make 
dents/scratchs in the monitor so is not very important.

Regards Nicklas Karlsson

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