Looking to set up an old horizontal mill for hobbing. The machine is already set up with XYZ and A axis, spindle encoder, and has the swiveling table. The machine is set up with a Mesa 7I80hd, two 7I29's and a 7I42TA. The table left/right is X in/out Y knee is Z rotary is A

I looked at   http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Hobbing in the Wiki and am wondering a few things.

The listing that is shown goes in the regular HAL file?

    I assume the part about the A axis would be removed.

    The loadrt's and addf's would remain the same?

The files in the archive hobbing.zip would go where?

Are there any other mods to the HAL file or any in the INI file?

Are there any updates lately?

Sorry for the long list of questions, somethings I can parse things out but this is not one of them.


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