Isn't it  nice when things 'just work'.
I presume you are familiar with pressure gage calibrators. That is a hydraulic cylinder of known area loaded by a known weight. At the low volume of coolant you need that might be a simplistic way to supply a known and constant pressure. It should be repeatable enough so you can predict when it will run out and need resetting. Just a WAT (wild ass thought).
Hang in there.


On 11/15/20 1:05 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
Greetings all;

I got a pair of plates cut out to make motor mounts today, took about 1.5
8 oz coke bottles of diluted Kool Mist and several hours since I was
using a 1/2x1/2" SC uncoated 1/8" end mill.

I did have to keep the spindle at 10k to stay above all the resonances
and general lack of rigidity in a 6040 mill and for some reason the
cutout is about 1/16" too big, but that's about the right room for a
layer of innertube to grip the motor better. Next I need to drill about
4.5" deep for the mount bolts. Then, still using that same mill, cut the
caps off.

The amazing part is that its still the same, was new, end mill I started
with, no breakage. Kool Mist is the cats meow!

But I had to keep fiddling with the pump speed, I think the peristaltic
pump has a tiny crack, its outputting air bubbles its not sucking in.
And I need to experiment with a small air pump to drive the mister, even
at only a pound or so out of the regulator, its keeping my 2hp air
compressor too hot. I had junked a soldering station that lost its
control board, but kept the little diaphram air mover, which runs very
quietly, and it may be able to supply the mister air. Much quieter if it

The spindle motor is running w/o a water filter, and very little flow is
getting thru it, but it only got a bit uncomfortable in about 4 hours at
10 grand.  No smoke, yet... 2.2KW 4 bearing ER20 collet replacement on
order. From a US suppliers stock.

Take care all.

Cheers, Gene Heskett

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