It's because of the Toshiba Kongsberg scandal. In the late 70's to early 80's 
there were violations of export controls on advanced machine tools and control 
electronics, such that the equipment ended up in the USSR via various pathways 
and less than a year after obtaining the machine tools, Soviet submarines were 
running quieter thanks to their newly acquired ability to manufacture better 
propellers with reduced cavitation. Getting that equipment also provided the 
Soviets with new designs to copy and expand on to enhance their own machine 

    On Thursday, January 7, 2021, 9:35:34 AM MST, Ralph Stirling 
<> wrote:  
 Our Mori NVX, which has five axis capability (but no
rotaries installed), requires a long passcode to be
entered after booting if the machine has been moved
or the memory backup batteries changed.  The passcode
is generated by Mori each time based on a random
number from the machine.  I got really tired of doing
this every year when changing the batteries, so wired
up a power supply diode-paralleled with the batteries,
and tell the control I've changed the batteries just before
the one year maintenance interval.  This is presumably
intended to prevent the machine from being surreptitiously
exported to North Korea.

One of several reasons I wish I could run the machine on LinuxCNC...  
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