I played around with sd on my RPi after I got things
going with the USB flash.  After dd copying the same
image to the sd card, booting the pi successfully, and
killing power, I never got a successful second boot.
I would have to mount the sd card on my laptop and
copy over the /boot partition each time before it would
boot again.  I was unimpressed.  The BBB may have
better protection from glitching the sd card during
power fail, but I had troubles from the RPi 1 to the RPi 3B+.

I'll stick with the usb drives that stick out of the socket
less than 1/4" and cost the same as an sd card.

-- Ralph
From: Jon Elson [el...@pico-systems.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2021 8:30 AM
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Rpi 3b+ to 7i90hd

On 01/12/2021 10:48 PM, Thaddeus Waldner wrote:
> I’m wondering what you plan to use for flash memory on the Pi. Is the SD card 
> a viable solution in this application? Would the Pi compute module with 
> onboard flash memory be a workable solution?
> One issue with onboard flash memory is that swapping out a pi in the case of 
> a processor failure would be more difficult. Is there anything else that 
> makes the compute modules a worse choice than the standard pi?
I've used the SD as the main "disk" storage on a Beagle Bone
for years.  The advantage is you can pull it out, put it in
a USB card reader and transfer files.  Mostly I use that to
initially load the OS, LinuxCNC (Machinekit fork) and etc.,
and once it is on the network that isn't needed again.
Modern SD cards just work fine, and especially if you set a
couple options like noatime in the file system, they are
quite robust.


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