On 01/13/2021 10:40 AM, Ralph Stirling wrote:
I played around with sd on my RPi after I got things
going with the USB flash.  After dd copying the same
image to the sd card, booting the pi successfully, and
killing power, I never got a successful second boot.
I would have to mount the sd card on my laptop and
copy over the /boot partition each time before it would
boot again.  I was unimpressed.  The BBB may have
better protection from glitching the sd card during
power fail, but I had troubles from the RPi 1 to the RPi 3B+.

I have one Beagle Bone Black that won't boot from SD, but will boot from on-board MMI. I never diagnosed the issue, it could be corrupt parameters in the boot code on the MMI.

I've never had an SD card harmed on the Beagle, and I do have to just kill power to it once in a while when it won't shutdown or get on the net. I do try to do a graceful shutdown
when possible.


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