The AD7740 v-to-f converters don't work as well
as I'd like, and I'm thinking about just using a
little microcontroller, like the STM32G031 to do
my A/D conversion.  While I could generate a
pulse train with frequency or period proportional
to voltage, I got to looking at bit files that include
a UART.  For the tiny amounts of data I need to
send, the simple UART with 115kbaud rate should
work fine at normal servo thread periods.

So, I have tried both stock *UA* bitfiles and a custom
bitfile with UART incorporated, and I get errors about
InstanceStride not matching expectations with either.

Turning on debug_idrom, I see that InstanceStride is
either 0x04 or 0x40, but the expected value is 0x10.
It isn't clear to me whether I want to select Instance
Stride 0 or 1 in my vhdl, but neither would match the
expected value.

hm2/hm2_7i90.0:     Instance Stride 0: 0x00000004
hm2/hm2_7i90.0:     Instance Stride 1: 0x00000040
hm2/hm2_7i90.0:     Register Stride 0: 0x00000100
hm2/hm2_7i90.0:     Register Stride 1: 0x00000100
hm2/hm2_7i90.0: inconsistent Module Descriptor for UART Transmit Channel, not 
loading driver
hm2/hm2_7i90.0:     Version = 0, expected 0
hm2/hm2_7i90.0:     NumRegisters = 4, expected 4
hm2/hm2_7i90.0:     InstanceStride = 0x00000040, expected 0x00000010
hm2/hm2_7i90.0:     MultipleRegisters = 0x0000000F, expected 0x0000000F
hm2/hm2_7i90.0: inconsistent Module Descriptor!
hm2/hm2_7i90.0: failed to parse Module Descriptor 4

Am I doing something wrong, has a bug crept into the
code, or is this just untested territory?  If it is a bug, is
it in the vhdl or the hostmot2 code?

Thanks again,
-- Ralph

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