On 4/7/21 12:25 PM, Nicklas SB Karlsson wrote:

Den 2021-04-06 kl. 17:59, skrev Ralph Stirling:
I seem to be plagued by things that I thought I had working
but which now do not. The current one is gladevcp.

I have Raspbian installed on a 3B+, with Linuxcnc 2.8.1
and an RIP install of 2.9.0-pre available.

Glade-3 is version 3.8.6
Python is 2.7.16

The HAL components and pixmaps are installed in both
/usr/share/glade3 and /usr/local/share/glade3.

However, when I run glade-3 I get no HAL widgets in
the left panels, and when I open a ui I was working on
a couple of weeks ago, I get big orange boxes saying
the element is unavailable where I had HAL widgets
placed before. I get a ton of warnings from Glade along
the lines of:

You have to run:

. scripts/rip-environment

before you start glade-3 otherwise it will not find the widgets, guess it set 
some path or so.

I didn't have to run rip-environment??? When I started up 'glade interface 
designer' all the widgets were there.

I think you will want a handler -- and have it update a label .. I have only written one small python script (last week) - but

With something like this in it:

def on_increase_button_pressed(gtkobj,data=None):
    gtkobj.set_label(gtkobj.get_label +1 )

and something similar to decrement - but what I wrote above - I haven't tested - almost certain to have something wrong in it. You will probably have to jump through some hoops to change a different label for a different object than the one you are pressing??

What I found hard (first time to write python) was to find the USEFUL 
attributes and methods for the object.

I used various bits I found on the web - not really happy with any  - I ran 
some Something like

 pprint() with the getmembers() function in the built-in inspect module:

from inspect import getmembers
from pprint import pprint

- but there isn't a great built in function I could find that would give me only the bits below the object in a way that made sense to me - sort of a haystack of inherited bits to sift through.

Karl Schmidt                                  EMail k...@lrak.net
3209 West 9th Street                             Ph (785) 979-8397
Lawrence, KS 66049

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