Oh yea, and one more:

3) How do I make my new button gray out
     before E-stop is released?

-- Ralph
From: Ralph Stirling
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 8:53 PM
To: emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Questions about Axis tweaks with .axisrc

I am trying to strip down Axis a bit for
a non-machining application of Linuxcnc.
I have been using the web page at:

and the axis.py source from 2.8.1 to try
to figure it out.  I managed to make the
coolant and spindle sections hide, but
have two remaining unsolved problems.

1) I want to hide the Touch Off button next
    to the Home Axis button, but have been
    unable to figure out what that widget is
    called (is there a list of widgets somewhere?).

2) I have created a Go To Axis Home button
    that successfully sends the current axis
    (from the radio buttons) to the homed
    position, but I can't make it line up with
    the Home Axis button.  Ideally, I'd like to
    replace the Touch Off button with this
    Go Home button, but it isn't clear to me
    how to do that either.

My .axisrc file presently looks like this:

root_window.attributes("-zoomed", True)
root_window.tk.call('button','.pane.top.tabs.fmanual.gohome','-text','Go To 
Axis Home','-command','gohome_clicked')

def gohome_clicked():
    axis = vars.ja_rbutton.get()
    print 'axis=',axis
    if s.interp_state == linuxcnc.INTERP_IDLE:
        mode = s.task_mode
        if s.task_mode != linuxcnc.MODE_MDI:
        c.mdi('G53 G0 ' + axis + '0.0')

TclCommands.gohome_clicked = gohome_clicked
commands = TclCommands(root_window)

I've played around with the grid call on line 4, but without
much effect.

Anybody got some tips for me?

-- Ralph

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