I have several RPI3's and RPI4's.  what I noticed (with the RPI4)  more memory is always better.

There are  things they are good at, especially "light-weight" stuff, and other things they are not.   I use one as a datalogger, I tried RPI3 RPI4-1GB/4GB/8GB, and it has timing and temperature issues.

(I am not using them for CNC).  I use aa RPI as a datalogger for a seismograph, that seems to be pushing it,  I use one for home automation, like switching off/on lights (which is not time critical), I use it for reading humidity/temp data, also fine because there are no timing critical things with that either. (I don't care if the lights go on/off a half second sooner or later)

they are pretty powerful little ARM computer/boards..  BUT  it is a $40-$80 piece of equipment... you get what you pay for.

I run CNClinux on a Dell, 172GB, dual cpu, 24 cores, I don't think an RPI can match that. an RPI might be able to run a CNC machine..  but if I'd do it, I'd do it for "funsies" to see if I can get away with it and make a point.

(I've been known to do things like that, just to see if I can get away with things.)

For example ..  what an RPI is not good at... is reliably read a quadrature encoder output, and I know some use these encoders.

but that's just my 2cts.


On 6/12/21 5:24 PM, Leonardo Marsaglia wrote:
Hello guys,

As  some of you know, I'm finishing a CNC router and I'm about to purchase
all the control hardware. I know Gene, John, and several people here are
running LCNC on the PI with success but I would like to know how much of a
pain in the ass is to get it running well with a 7i76E for controlling the

I'm trying to decide wheter I purchase Rpi 4b or I use a normal PC as I've
been doing with all the other machines. I really like the idea of using
something as portable and small as the Rpi but I don't want to purchase one
just to test right now... I do have a Rpi3 with Octoprint on the ender but
I don't know if that's a good candidate to test LCNC.

What do you guys think?

Thanks as always and I hope you're all doing well :)

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