On 6/29/21 12:16 AM, Robert Murphy wrote:
Read the rest of the wiki page, it's there in black & white.

yeah ...   but when I read "began a career as a web developer .."   I zoned out when I noticed it was raining outside ....

what was the link again?

As much as a male tries to transition to a female or the other way
around, biology can not be denied.

Only a biological female can give birth.

Yeah I feel sorry for those for those that suffer from the anguish of
gender dis-morphia, it must be a horrible thing to go through. If they
transition and live the way they feel most comfortable so be it. As long
as they honest about it and don't force you into their fantasy. I feel
those that are genuinely afflicted are likely to be more honest and less
forceful in their actions.

In saying that there seems to be a few, and these are the loudest, that
will use their transgenderism to bully others, bully others in such a
way that if anything is said to oppose their actions their you are
treated as some kind of this or that phobic. They are also the one that
advocate puberty blockers so per-pubescent children can destroy their lives.

In our last federal election is Australia one of the major parties
wanted it to make it an offense for a Doctor to recommend counseling for
a patient presenting with gender dis-morphia. The law would have
compelled them to send them off to transition.

As much as the Code of Conduct targeted is at OSS projects, it goes much
much deeper than that. Take a look at some of the laws that have been
passed in western countries because of these squeaky wheels. This is the
madness that has led to terms such as "birthing person", "chest feeding"
and mediocre male "sportsmen", and I use that tern lightly, being
allowed to compete against biological women and dominating competitions.

I have a feeling this post maybe violating the Code of Conduct.

Yeah,  we're both gonna be moved from FB jail to LCNC jail. ... I hope we get along ...

On 29/6/21 3:13 pm, R C wrote:

On 6/28/21 10:53 PM, Robert Murphy wrote:
Coraline Ada Ehmke is a blight, he's just a trouble maker that likes to
throw his weight around.

I had to google that...   now I am confused  ....

"based in Chicago <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago>, Illinois
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois>. She began her career as a
web developer" <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_developer>

On 29/6/21 1:17 pm, R C wrote:

On 6/28/21 9:11 PM, John Dammeyer wrote:
At the risk of being banned I'd suggest that this one point is a bit

"Excessive or unwelcome helping; answering outside the scope of the
question asked"

I agree with you,  I am a rookie, as well in machining as in using
linuxcnc,  and I welcome all additional (excessive ?) info. I did get
quite a bit extra info "of the thread" from several here, which only
helps me understand things better


John Dammeyer

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Epler [mailto:jep...@unpythonic.net]
Sent: June-28-21 6:26 PM
To: Jeff Epler
Subject: [Emc-users] Code of Conduct

The LinuxCNC community including this mailing list now has a written
code of conduct. Unless it's your idea of fun to harass other people,
this is a big non-event for you.

You can read the code of conduct here:


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