Just to chime in here

Rod Webster has been doing a bit of work here with fixing error finishing
read signals.

The realtek drivers that come with the buster iso are not very good and we
get a error finishing read error.   This is with a good 40000us  latency
test.  The network card is the issue now.

So mesa card watch dog hits and throws machine into estop.

Real problem.

Been working 3 days on it.  And just now getting back to machining.

2 solutions.

Rod wrote a doc that steps you through how to install bookworm and the new
6.1 RT kernel.  That has been running for 3 days on a massive gcode file
now with a mesa 7i92m connected and no errors.   This is with 2.9linuxcnc.
so pretty good solution for 2.9 if you need it.

This is on a 2core jt1800 CPU.

Only slight issue is the pc runs slower on bookworm in general.  But it's
only a industrial cheap 2core pc from china.

2nd solution is to use a old Linux mint 19.2 iso I have that someone made.
With 2.8 linuxcnc and 4.19rt kernel.  That has been running 24hrs with same
big file no issues.

This is my go to for 8 machines now and it just works

Much faster response than bookworm and no issues so far either.  And
drivers just work on mint lol.   Which is nice.

But the error finishing read issue is pretty wide spread and a bit of a

Anyway back to running machines sing out if you get problems.   Hopefully
this helps.

On Thu, 6 Jul 2023, 13:59 Todd Zuercher, <to...@pgrahamdunn.com> wrote:

> Any one installed Debian 12 and running  Linuxcnc on a machine?  Since
> Linuxcnc is now in Debian Stable, I was wondering if anyone cared to voice
> their opinions about installing and running Linuxcnc that way.
> I have a machine that I am starting to refit and I am considering trying
> to install that way rather than using one of the more obsolete Linuxcnc
> ISOs.
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