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It is with the greatest pleasure to introduce our exciting participants for this week, Mark Marino, Saba Razvi, Ana Monroe, and Sun Yung Shin with others to be announced! This week also celebrates our launch of the publication Machine Dreams Zine: Volume One, with contributions from our participants.

Betsy and Lawrence's contribution on Westworld was recently published in the collection, and we are thrilled to launch the Zine here at empyre.

As Mark shared with machine poetics, the space we created with Machine Dreams two years ago continues to be one that is vibrant and inspiring. I co-organized Machine Dreams with Neil Aitken, and Lucy Burns at UCLA in 2014, the gathering featured invited talks and performances by Mark Marino, Dmitry Benerson, Minsoo Kang, and many others. Here is a fun write-up by the LA Weekly: http://www.laweekly.com/event/machine-dreams-a-symposium-on-robots-arts-and-difference-5627753

To continue the conversation, we've recently published a Zine compilation from work drawn from the symposium, and with additional works from other artists and scholars working on machines, art, and literature, including Susan Vanderborg.

You can view the entire collection for free, here: https://issuu.com/repcollective/docs/machine_dreams_issuu

Additional links, and the full description, and participants bios below. Thank you again Mark, Saba, Sun Yung, and Ana, and many others for participating this week!


Machine Dreams Description:

A Zine compilation of creative work and critical theory on the machine, arts, and difference. Contributions largely drawn from the conference, Machine Dreams: A Symposium on Arts, Robots, and Difference held at UCLA in 2015, and co-organized by Lucy Burns, Neil Aitken, and Margaret Rhee. With additional writing and art included, the Machine Dreams Zine offers provocative and playful remediations on the machine in our digital times. Designed by The Mystery Parade. No profit made.

Tumblr: https://machinedreamszine.tumblr.com

Book: http://www.blurb.com/b/7940102-machine-dreams-volume-one


Mark C. Marino (http://markcmarino.com) is a writer and scholar of
electronic literature living in Los Angeles.  He teaches writing at
the University of Southern California where he Directs the Humanities
and Critical Code Studies Lab (http://haccslab.com [1]).  He is also
the Director of Communications for the Electronic Literature
Organization.  Although mostly human, Mark has had a long time love
affair with chatbots.

Saba Syed Razvi is the author of In the Crocodile Gardens (Agape Editions), Limerence & Lux (Chax Press), Of the Divining and the Dead (Finishing Line Press), Beside the Muezzin’s Call & Beyond the Harem’s Veil (Finishing Line Press), and the forthcoming heliophobia. Her poems have been nominated for the Elgin Award, the Bettering American Poetry Awards, The Best of the Net Award, the Rhysling Award, and the Independent Best American Poetry Award. She is currently an Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing at the University of Houston in Victoria, TX, where she researches interfaces between Science and Contemporary Poetry, as well as Sufi Poetry in translation, and writes new poems and fiction.

Ana Monroe

One year after earning her Modern History A.B. from Columbia University in 2004 and following a quick stint as a translator at the first Apple Store in the world (Soho, New York), Ana began her design training by jumping into the creative role of Prop Stylist for Still Photography projects. In this position, Ana was responsible for the physical elements of the shoot: the props, the sets, the fabricated, and the found.

Moving quickly into Production Design for both larger scale Stills projects as well as Motion Picture, Ana led the Art Department section of movie making.As a Production Designer, Ana worked closely with the Director and Director of Photography to bring a script off the page. Research into the visual languages of diverse groups and historical periods, ethnographic inquiries, and sheer imagination all combine to form identity of a production. The practical side of both Styling and Designing required the development project management skills. She created and managed budgets, schedules, and personnel. The scope of this role honed not only the ability to conceptualize and produce myriad design styles, but also that of visualizing and evaluating options, managing teams, and growing client relationships.

She applied and was accepted with an Honors scholarship to the award winning Media Design Practices Department at Art Center College of Design in 2014. Working in the field with UNICEF as part of her 2014-2015 year, Ana quickly gained praise for her self directed technology projects with Luzira Primary School as well as her evaluations of UNICEF’s MobiStation and ICT projects.

During her 2015-2016 thesis year, she received both Honors and Thesis Awards and worked with advisors such as BMW DesignWorks lead Mike Milley and Art Center College of Design's DesignMatters Chair Mariana Amatullo. She is now a Service Designer leading multiple projects from The Innovation Lab at OPM, detailed to the Office of Veterans Experience at the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Margaret Rhee, Ph.D.

Visiting Assistant Professor
Women's and Gender Studies
University of Oregon
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