----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Hi Mathias,

Thanks for your thoughtful remarks. There are many ways of addressing TRUMP, 
and yes, I appreciate the “dressing down” so to speak of the root problem 
without necessarily demonizing the object. 

However, I am really glad you brought up the introduction to my XTreme 
TRUMPology writings, because it is precisely the intent of this “performance 
rant” to expose the underlying psychological forces at play in those who 
unwittingly follow TRUMP into the darkness and the breakdown of the real. I 
quote myself:

“You must enter deeply into the FLOW of TRUMP to be a surrogate for XTreme 
TRUMPology. You must fully immerse yourself in the FLOW in all of its immense 
deception & anger & entertainment & anarchy. You must open up wide the Media 
Tap in order to initiate its ingestion and activate its total destruction, 
swimming against the stream of disinformation to absorb & expose & annihilate 
its meaning. Yes, you must even embrace the danger of any confusion to your 
perception of reality.” http://www.randallpacker.com/category/xtreme-trumpology/

It is my belief that through the seduction of popular culture and the cult of 
celebrity, TRUMP has amassed a following who revere him for his power of 
personality, his wealth, his politically incorrect positions, his blatant 
racism, his love of false conspiracy, his embrace of fakery. TRUMP has tapped 
an explosive, pent-up well of hatred in the population that he has reshaped 
into a powerful political movement. 

I want to understand what is inside the minds of the so-called “deplorables,” I 
want to know how they can possibly embrace the fakery, the xenophobia, the 
misogyny. Even with the current Mika scandal, you see the White House fighting 
back in fully reality tv regalia, casting TRUMP as the “fighter,” who doesn’t 
take anything from the media without pushing back, violently. This is great 
television and they’re all talking about it. 

We have to ask, what kind of a society have we become when the President can 
illicit this kind of behavior, can generate daily scandals, can blatantly lie 
to the American people? In brief, it’s a society brought up on reality tv, dark 
confessionals, celebrity backstabbing, tabloid scandals, et al. It is from 
within this culture that TRUMP has cultivated and exploited his tactics to 
undermine the truth as a power play for his own ends and narcissist ego. The 
force of XTreme TRUMPology is an attempt to get inside of that phenomenon, to 
become it, in order to grasp it both critically and viscerally.  I quote again:

QUOTE: “And to be a TRUE surrogate for XTreme TRUMPology, you must tear it all 
up, blow it up, vent & smash all things establishment, status quo, 
conventional. You must rise to the TRUE CAUSE of XTreme TRUMPology by lashing 
out against the media to pulverize its incessant, chattering punditry in order 
to attack & redirect the negativity of its ABSOLUTE bias. This (& more) is 
required to become fully XTreme in the pure essence of the TRUMPological state 
of being.”


On 6/29/17, 1:29 AM, "Mathias Fuchs" 
<empyre-boun...@lists.artdesign.unsw.edu.au on behalf of 
mathias.fu...@creativegames.org.uk> wrote:

    ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
    Dear Randall,
    I understand and share your anger about the current temporary holder of 
    the title of US president, but I wonder whether the focus on "diabolical 
    fakery" and the introduction of XTreme TRUMPology targets the core of 
    the problem. Bertold Brecht made an observation once, that by 
    continously mentioning the "Führer" and his name, one would just make 
    addititonal propaganda for the NAZIs, and he came up with a solution: He 
    introduced a fake profession for Hitler, and called him "Der 
    Anstreicher". This is German for someone who covers dirty walls with 
    fresh paint to hide the dirt underneath. By doing so Brecht made a joke 
    on Hitler's failure in getting accepted at the painters Academy class in 
    Vienna, he reminded his readers on Hitler's whitewashing attempts, but 
    at the same time he avoided repeating the name of the political enemy. 
    Brecht faked the professional title of Hitler, but he did so in working 
    against his regime. I think that we need not spend half of our lives in 
    correcting all of the lies and the fake facts of the president's 
    administration, but rather look at political problems from a viewpoint 
    that goes beyond personification of political activities conduction in 
    favour of a concrete political system, i.e. turbocapitalism, without 
    assigning it to a demon or a devil. Do you see what I mean? It is hard 
    to find mediatic truth within the political system we are forced to live 
    in. How can messages of a tweet length format be true anyway? And why do 
    we still hope that communicating on the basis of such would leave a 
    chance for truth, correctness or appropriateness? The difference between 
    true and false and the problem of keeping such a distinction as a valid 
    guide for action is a matter that is rooted in a mediatic structure and 
    a political system. The man with the yellow hair is just a puppet of a 
    wider interest structure and once he leaves - I am afraid - we cannot 
    celebrate having solved the problem. My main point here is that I think 
    a personalisation of a political problem distracts from the problem. 
    Having said so, may the man with the yellow hair soon stumble and fall.
    Prof. Dr. Mathias Fuchs
    Institute of Culture and Aesthetics of Digital Media (ICAM)
    Scharnhorststr. 1, C5.318
    21335 Lüneburg
    Co-Editor Journal Digital Culture & Society
    Co-Editor Journal of Performance Research, Vol. 21 (4)
    > Message: 3
    > Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2017 16:14:52 -0400
    > From: Randall Packer <rpac...@zakros.com>
    > To: soft_skinned_space <empyre@lists.artdesign.unsw.edu.au>
    > Subject: Re: [-empyre-] Week 4: Welcome Lindsay Kelley, Anna Munster,
    >   Randall Packer, and Ana Valdex
    > Message-ID: <cf7c86be-63dd-4eb9-83af-65d4b6bb1...@zakros.com>
    > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
    > Dear List:
    > Since August of 2015, I have been chronicling the TRUMP phenomenon, which 
I refer to as XTreme TRUMPology. Here are 50 posts I have written to date: 
    > I see the developing fake news issue as the catalyst of a much greater 
problem: the intentional distortion of reality for the purpose of gaining 
political control. Fake news is a means to an end, what happens when morally 
bankrupt demagogues are in pursuit of absolute power.
    > To this end, it beholds us to construct critical ?weapons? that we can 
use to deconstruct and defuse this diabolical fakery, and it is my hope, that 
during this next week, the empyre list can serve as both a virtual roundtable 
for discussion, as well as a space for developing tactical methods we can 
employ as media artists, theorists, and educators in our everyday lives and 
work. Some of these methods have already been identified in past weeks? I hope 
to see more!
    > These are dangerous times and I am interested in the kinds of critical 
tools we can develop collectively to combat the torrent of fakery and 
disinformation that is consuming our government, our country, and the world.
    > It?s time for action.
    > Best, Randall
    Prof. Dr. Mathias Fuchs
    Institute of Culture and Aesthetics of Digital Media (ICAM)
    Scharnhorststr. 1, C5.318
    21335 Lüneburg
    Co-Editor Journal Digital Culture & Society
    Co-Editor Journal of Performance Research, Vol. 21 (4)
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