----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Dear all

am waking up M, am sending Sandy to bed to keep this dialogue going.
am reading you, feeling you. queering the media. the coming out en masse

I want to intercept with an interview article with Paul B.Preciado, published in liberation.fr, 19/03/2019
headdline: Our trans bodies are an act of dissent from the sex-gender system
(french only, please google translate to read it)

"Since 2013, the philosopher - Beatriz became Paul B. -, holds through his chronicles for "Liberation" the journal of his sexual transition and gender. A political act against the norms of identity, the power of patriarchal power and capitalism. A vertiginous crossing gathered today in a book." the book mentioned is " Un appartement sur Uranus " (2019), surely Paul should be known for his Testo Junkie: Sex, Drugs, and Biopolitics in the Pharmacopornographic Era <https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17465613-testo-junkie>. (2008)

I have had the honor to have Paul as my curator for my Venice Biennale exhibition 3x3x6 (http://3x3x6.com). I was also reminded in my work BRANDON (!998-1999, Guggenheim Museum) for which I lived with/through various trans communities (notably London and San Francesco),
at the time, passing, packing, are the keywords.

And today, we bare our naked body, the scars, the sutures. Do we still make manifestos? Are we far away from Manifesto days?

The Empire Strikes Back: A Posttranssexual Manifestio (1992) by Sandy Stone
a hacker manifesto (2004) by McKenzie Wark

These are monumental documents! I am indebted for these enlightments.

Here i also like to dedicate this week's dialogue to Armin Medosch, who i have shared life and worked with, a much celebrated artist, writer, critique who died too young to start their own research into queer media.

Till sunday (september 15) here at -empyre-, let the empire strikes back en masse, en force.


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