----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Dear -empyre- 
Welcome to October already.  The leaves are falling here in Ithaca and the 
furnace is on.  I am feeling the impending darkness of autumn creeping into my 
afternoon activities.  I can only imagine the light where so many of you are.  

We welcome a month of discussion on Practice and Play: Gestures Across Genres 
organized by Margaret Rhee to celebrate innovation in cross-disciplinary art 
making.  Many of you will remember Margaret's discussion on Robot Poetics in 
May of 2017

Margaret is an incredible poet, writer and artist.  We are so lucky to have her 
on our -empyre- Editorial Advisory Board.  She brings warmth to us from 
Buffalo, New York this month with her diverse set of guests. 
Her biography is below.  Margaret will post the first post of the month 

Welcome Margaret and thank you. We look forward. 
Margaret Rhee is a poet, scholar, and new media artist. She is the author of 
Love, Robot, named a 2017 Best Book of Poetry by Entropy Magazine and awarded a 
2018 Elgin Award by the Science Fiction Poetry Association and the 2019 Best 
Book Award in Poetry by the Asian American Studies Association. Her poetry 
chapbooks include Yellow and Radio Heart; or, How Robots Fall Out of Love, and 
forthcoming collection Poetry Machines: A Letter to a Future Reader, a 
collection of lyrical essays on poetry, and the intersections of cinema, art, 
and new media. Currently, she is completing her monograph How We Became Human: 
Race, Robots, and the Asian American Body. She was a College Fellow in Digital 
Practice in the English Department at Harvard University and a member of 
MetaLab @ Harvard. She received her Ph.D. from UC Berkeley in ethnic studies 
with a designated emphasis in new media studies. She is an Assistant Professor 
in the Department of Media Study at SUNY Buffalo and co-leads Palah 파랗 Light 
Studios, a creative space for poetry, participation, and pedagogy through 

Renate Ferro
Visiting Associate Professor
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Art
Tjaden Hall 306

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