----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Dear -empyre- subscribers, 

For the month of November we welcome Margaretha Haughwort as moderator for an 
exciting month of discussion on, Magic and Technology. Margaretha is a member 
of our -empyre- advisory board.  She  curated the October, 2017 topic, Radical 
Aesthetics of Multispecies Worlding, Eco Art and Solidarity in a more than 
human Capitalocene,  

Margaretha participated in the Linz Unfinished project organized by Shulea 
Cheang and while she was there she participated in the -empyre- broadcast 
included -empyre- and four other listservs on radio.fro.  

Margaretha teaches in the Department of Art and Art History, Film and Media 
Studies at Colgate University in upstate New York. Her personal and 
collaborative artwork explores the intersections between ideas of technology 
and wilderness, digital networks and the urban commons, cybernetics and whole 
systems permaculture — in the context of ecological, technological and human 
survival.   Welcome once again Margaretha.  We welcome your nurtuance of 
-empyre- this month. Many thanks Margaretha for your nurturance of our listserv 
this month. 

Moderator's Biography: 
Margaretha Haughwout’s (US) creative work is a kind of multispecies worlding — 
a phrase introduced by Donna Haraway, who understands it to be the "patterning 
of possible worlds," a co-becoming that occurs through entanglements with other 
species. Haughwout collaborates with humans, the more-than-human, and 
technology to enact possible worlds -- worlds that generate abundance, presence 
and relationship — and in doing so, antagonize proprietary regimes, colonial 
temporalities, and capitalist forms of labor. Installation, participatory 
event, walking tour, experimental pedagogy, intervention, speculative 
fabulation, and biological processes articulate stages of worlding processes. 
In 2019, Haughwout’s work has been featured at Stadwerkstatt in Linz Austria, 
at the Usdan Gallery at Bennington College, and as a part of SLSA’s 
Experimental Engagements exhibition.

Renate Ferro
Visiting Associate Professor
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Art
Tjaden Hall 306

empyre forum

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