Hi - I wanted to post this to the list; it applies to this month's topic. Dehumanization is a common technique in the military of course; it places within the abstract and virtual, that which is abject and concrete. Songs like this can tunnel through.

I'd like to all the guests this month to comment on this. Part of the original theme for the month, dealing with pain, suffering, and death, emphasized the virtual - and I'd like to return to this, wondering if, for example, the song itself might be considered as opening into the virtual; I remember Mikel Dufrenne talking about the world of the book, which relates of courses to diegesis, etc. It's a short step from this world to the text-based worlds of MOOs and MUDs etc., and from there to the audio- visual worlds of Second Life, Open Sim, etc. The next step would be the Holodeck of course.

So where, within all of this, is the location of the body's pain? I keep returning to this on one hand, and Diane Gromala's work on the other.


Thanks, Alan

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Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 23:03:34
From: Portside Moderator <modera...@portside.org>
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Subject: Israeli Song About Learning to Kill and Dehumanizing the Enemy is Going
     Viral in Israel - Banned From Army Radio

Israeli Song About Learning to Kill and Dehumanizing the
Enemy is Going Viral in Israel - Banned From Army Radio

1. Israeli Protest Song Banned from Army Radio (Richard
Silverstein in Tikun Olam)

2. Song critical of the IDF goes viral after being banned by
Israeli Army Radio (Annie Robbins in Mondoweiss)


Israeli Protest Song Banned from Army Radio

by Richard Silverstein

October 15, 2012
Tikun Olam
(Promoting Israeli democracy, exposing secrets of the
national security state)


There was once a time when Israeli songs like A Matter of
Habit were routinely written, aired and became hits.  These
were songs of political commentary or protest, songs of hope
and idealism.  They represented the aspirations of Israel's
secular liberal (generally Ashkenazi) elite.  But that was
long ago.

Which is why the popularity of A Matter of Habit is so
extraordinary in today's political context.  The song, sung
by Izhar Ashdot and written by Alona Kimche, speaks of how
an Israeli soldier begins slowly to become degraded to his
own humanity and that of the Palestinians among whom he
patrols.  It's not only a powerful political and social
statement, it has those infectious pop "hooks" that are the
mark of a lasting hit.  As we used to say way back in the
1960s when such music was popular here: it's got a message
and you can dance to it.

The song's popularity will no doubt be amplified by a ban
that Galey Tzahal, Israeli armed forces radio, slapped on
the song for "degrading" the IDF.  I'm always amazed that
whenever the misdeeds of the IDF are documented and
criticized that doing so somehow in itself becomes an
inhuman or degrading act.  So goes the logic of the
oppressor who never knows or understands his own power and
oppressive acts.

Here's a peek into the mind of the military oppressors:

    The radio station announced that "Due to the song's
    contents, which debase IDF soldiers, the station
    commander decided that there is no room on Army Radio to
    publicly celebrate a song that denigrates and denounces
    those that have sacrificed their life for the defense of
    the country."

    The statement continued, "the artist Izhar Ashdot is
    held in high esteem by Army Radio. In this specific case
    however, we believe with the artistic leeway afforded to
    artists by this station, Army Radio, as a station of
    soldiers, where many soldiers perform their military
    serve, should avoid celebrating a song that demonizes
    those soldiers."

It appears that the soldiers of the IDF are so fragile that
they cannot withstand even a bit of scrutiny or
introspection without collapsing into a morass of self-doubt
and moral paralysis.  God forbid that any such soldier
should question himself or his comrades.  The entire
military order might collapse leaving Israel defenseless
before the massing hordes of Arab enemies.

Here are the lyrics translated into English:

    Chorus: Learning to kill is a matter of a push
    It begins with something small, then it comes easier

    Patrolling all night in the Nablus casbah
    Hey, what here is ours and what's yours
    The beginning is an experiment
    A rifle butt banging on the door
    Fearful children, a terrified family
    Then a closure, there's already danger
    Death lies in wait around every corner
    You cock your weapon and your arm trembles
    Your finger tightens around the trigger
    Your heart goes crazy, beats in fright
    It knows that the next one will be a lot easier.
    They aren't men or women
    They're only things and shadow
    Learning to kill is a matter of routine.

    Portents from heaven fall upon the streets
    There's no chance of life going on
    The end is near
    Prophecies of terror
    Like the cries of ravens
    Lock the shutters
    Seal yourself in your homes
    We're but a handful
    And they are so many
    A tiny country consumed by enemies
    In their hearts there's only hatred, evil intent and
    Learning to fear is a matter of habit.

    Learning cruelty is a matter of a push
    It begins with something small, and then gets easier
    Every boy is a man thirsting for conquests
    Hands behind the head, feet spread apart
    It's a time of danger, a time of terror
    A solder who weakens isn't worthy of mercy
    Your cousin is like an animal
    He's used to seeing blood.
    He doesn't feel any pain
    He's not a human being.
    A field uniform, a jock itch, fragility and routine.
    The distance between stupidity and evil is short.
    The land of Israel is ours and ours alone
    Learning cruelty is a matter of habit.

    Little boy, little boy stop
    Little boy, little boy come back
    Come to me sweetheart
    Come to me my baby
    The skies are threatening and it's gloomy outside
    Your tin soldiers are still here under your bed
    Come on home little boy
    Come home
    Come home.

    Learning to love is a matter of tenderness
    With a careful step
    And a gentle cloud
    We hesitate and melt
    Become soft and round
    Learning to love is a matter of habit.

    Being a human being is a matter of a push
    Conceived like a fetus and then it's delivered
    For a moment to be only here, only today
    And to be on the other side of the checkpoint
    But our heart's already become coarsened
    Our skin thickened
    Deaf and blind in a bubble of this existence
    In wonder we'll watch the falling angel
    To be a human being is a matter of habit.

The images in the video don't just represent the lyrics,
they expand upon them visually and reinforce them. They're a
work of art in themselves. The last image, as Ashdot sings
of a falling angel and being a human being, shows the
bruised back of a tortured Palestinian prisoner. It's an
ironic twist on the lyrics that brings home the message that
we Israelis have become these torturers, but we must strive
to be human beings instead.

That such a song, summoning Israelis to return to their
innate humanity and turn away from the brutes they've
become, should be censored by Israeli media is the crowning
commentary on what latter-day Israel has become. Interesting
also that the song has 460 "Dislikes" and only 330 "Likes."
It's apparently hit a very raw nerve.

For those seeking similar wonderful Israeli songs of
protest, read my posts on David Broza's B'Libi
http://www.richardsilverstein.com/2005/03/24/david-broza-wis/ and Chava Alberstein's Chad Gadya

[Richard Silverstein has been writing Tikun Olam, one of the
earliest liberal Jewish blogs, since February, 2003.  It
focuses on Israeli-Palestinian peace and includes commentary
on U.S. politics and human rights. Technorati ranks this
blog 21st of all world politics blogs and a member of the
Top 100 in that category.

He attended Jewish Theological Seminary and Columbia
University, earning a BA and Bachelor of Hebrew Literature,
has an MA in Comparative Literature from UCLA and studied
toward a PhD at UC Berkeley. My languages were Hebrew and
Yiddish. He spent an undergraduate and graduate year
studying Hebrew literature at the Hebrew University and co-
founded of the Bay Area Jewish Music Festival.

"I have been interested in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
since I was a teenager in 1967 and have worked all my adult
life to promote dialogue and mutual recognition. I am a
progressive (critical) Zionist. I support Israeli withdrawal
to pre-67 borders and an internationally guaranteed peace
agreement with the Palestinians."


Song critical of the IDF goes viral after being banned by Israeli Army Radio

by Annie Robbins

October 17, 2012


[Video and audio of A Matter of Habit sung by Izhar Ashdot
http://youtu.be/q-NRrB9pbKs ]

An Israeli song about learning to kill and dehumanizing the
enemy is going viral in Israel. After Israel's Army Radio
canceled a live broadcast of the song and banned the song from
the station it was thrust  into the national (and
international?) spotlight.  A Matter of Habits, the title
track of popular Israeli rock band Tislam's new album has
everybody talking. Tislam's co founder, Izhar Ashdot, is
husband and life partner to Israeli novelist Alona Kimhi (both
legendary artists in Israel). Kimhi wrote the lyrics after a
Breaking the Silence tour of Hebron a few years ago.

Thus far the song has 2,174 'dislikes' on youTube, if that's
any indication of the  controversy it's generating. Some
critics are literally fuming about the content while others
are clearly more offended by the fact it's been censored by
Army Radio although it's still getting play on Israel radio.

It's not a shoot and cry -- it's corpse-like cold in it's
directness which is why it is threatening: "The cousin like an
animal/Used to blood/doesn't feel suffering/Is not human."

Uri Blau at Haaretz writes people do not want to know, they
don't want to think about it:

    Under Dekel's baton, the Army Radio station introduced a
    new slogan to its broadcasts: "What's happening now."
    Until this week the slogan sounded simply hollow, but the
    censorship of Ashdot's song proved that it is also the
    opposite of the way Army Radio operates. In his decision,
    Dekel did exactly what the public wishes, as reflected in
    the responses to the song's banning. What's happening now
    is that many people don't want to know, don't want to hear
    and don't want to think about what's being done in their
    name and what happens to their children when they don a
    uniform and are transformed from boys into an occupying

    But Dekel is a journalist rather than Army Radio's public
    relations agent. He is supposed to report to his listeners
    what's happening on every patrol by soldiers and at every
    checkpoint manned by Border Police. "Our heart is already
    coarse and our skin is so thick, deaf and blind in the
    bubble of the present," sings Ashdot. By imposing
    censorship on the song, Dekel proved that every word is
    true, and chose to conceal the truth, to whitewash the
    reality and to pat ourselves on the back. That's a mistake
    and it reinforces an image of what's happening that is
    definitely not what's happening now.


    The song was welcomed by liberals as a protest of Israel's
    actions in the West Bank but fiercely criticized by
    others, who defaced Ashdot's official Facebook page last
    month, with one angry reader referring to Ashdot as a
    "draft-dodging dog" - though he didn't evade mandatory

    Army Radio stuck by an advance invitation that Ashdot
    perform in its studios but expressly vetoed the playing of
    this song. The station later issued a statement saying
    there was no room on the military station for a song that
    "denigrates and denounces those who have sacrificed their
    lives for the defense of the country."

    "I am worried when songs are banned for broadcast in a
    democratic country," Ashdot told Israeli media, adding he
    was shocked by the "incitement" against him that the
    statement encouraged. The decision and statement were
    issued by Yaron Dekel, a veteran journalist appointed to
    be the station's military commander in February. ......

    Michael Sfard, an activist attorney who represents
    Breaking the Silence, called the decision a "sad instance
    of political censorship" and wondered if an interviewer
    speaking, not singing, the same critique would be
    censored. ....

    The political party Meretz, which opposes Israel's
    continued occupation of the West Bank, used its social
    media platform to recommend the song and ushered its
    supporters to YouTube to 'like' "Ashdot's courage and
    Kimhi's uncompromising text."

Jerusalem Post:  One song our soldiers won't be marching to

And these words caught my attention:-

They translate as

"Hey, what here is ours and what belongs to you?"

Who is he singing to?

Who is the "we" and who the "you"?

Is the Arabic-styled font intended to suggest Arabs are the

Is this a political song?

But to the point: IDF soldiers learn to defend and to do that,
they must be trained in warfare and how to kill.  There is no
room for pacificism here.


For background on the origins of Kimhi's Breaking the Silence
tour check out - A song was born: The tale of a controversial
tune by Yuval Ben-Ami at 972+ . He offers a translation of the
lyrics below.

    Learning to kill
    Is a matter of momentum
    It starts small
    And then it comes

    Patrols every night
    In the casbah of Nablus
    Hey, what here is ours
    And what is yours

    At first just a drill
    A rifle's butt bangs on the door
    Children in shock
    A family terrified

    Later - closure*
    There's danger already
    Death is lurking
    Behind every corner

    Cocking the weapon
    Arm shaking
    Finger is firm
    Against the trigger

    The heart goes wild
    Beats, terrified
    It knows - next time
    It will be easier

    They are not a man, not a woman
    They are just an object, just a shadow
    Learning to kill
    Is a matter of habit

    Learning to fear
    Is a matter of momentum
    You start small
    And then it comes

    The news from above
    Reaches the street
    There's no hope of living
    The end is so near

    Prophecies of terror
    Like the crow of a raven
    Close the shutters
    Close up in the homes

    we're just a few
    And they are so many
    A tiny country
    Devoured by enemies

    They have only hate in their hearts
    Evil, dark urges
    Learning to fear
    Is a matter of habit

    Learning cruelty
    Is a matter of momentum
    It starts small
    And then it comes

    Every boy is a man
    Craving victory
    Hands behind the head
    Legs spread

    It's a time of danger
    It's a time of destruction
    Soldier, toughen up
    There's no good in compassion

    The cousin like an animal
    Used to blood
    doesn't feel suffering
    Is not human

    Field uniform and chafing
    Exhaustion and routine
    From stupidity to evil
    The route is short

    All ours, all ours
    Israel's land
    Learning cruelly
    Is a matter of habit

    Son, son - stop
    Son, son - come back
    Come to me, sweetheart
    Come to me, my baby

    The sky is so gloomy
    Outside, already dark
    Tin soldiers still
    Under the bed

    Come home, son
    Come home

    Learning to love
    Is a matter of tenderness
    A careful step
    In a cloud of gentleness

    We will hesitate, we will come apart
    We will soften, we will round out
    Learning to love
    Is a matter of habit

    Being human
    Is a matter of momentum
    It grows like an unborn child
    And then it comes

    For just one minute
    Just now, just today
    To be on the other side
    Of that same checkpoint

    But our heart has hardened
    And our skin is thick
    Deaf and blind
    In the bubble of the present

    We will observe in amazement
    The falling angel
    Being human
    Is a matter of habit

    *"Closure" is a military term referring to a situation in
    which inhabitants of a village or town are prevented from
    traveling outside it.

Mondoweiss contributor Ira Glunts had this to say which about
wraps it:

A country raised on "purity of arms" and all this other crap
is reacting like a cornered animal to charges of cruelty and

Ben-Ami predicts the song will be legendary and all we need to
do is be patient. I'm sitting back and grabbing the popcorn.
This isn't going away anytime soon.

[Annie Robbins is Writer at Large for Mondoweiss, a mother, a
human rights activist and a ceramic artist. She lives in the
SF bay area. ]



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