There will be a panel on student debt at MLA sponsored by the MLA's DAOC (Delegate Assembly Organizing Committee) at the upcoming MLA conference; I will give you all the details later. It'd be great if those of you who plan to attend the MLA could attend the panel b/c your collective insights and information on this subject have already enlightened me, and it would be wonderful to have a well-informed audience so that the discussion afterwards can be lively and engaging, (perhaps even leading to new ideas, imagine that). The speakers will be Marc Bousquet and Richard Dienst.

On 11/24/12 9:19 AM, Annie McClanahan wrote:
I think the point about salaries is well-taken. I do think our health insurance plans and our pensions (to the extent we have them) are arguably "paid" with student debt (in the sense that those are the only fixed costs that have increased at anywhere near the same rate as tuition in the last 2 decades). Certainly the insanely rapid growth of the uni administrative class--presently in a 1:1 ratio to full-time faculty in the UC system--is being paid for with debt; ditto almost any new construction projects (student debt typically is often used as financing collateral for bonds on these projects, since it constitutes unrestricted income for state schools and they can promise their own lenders that they can raise it infinitely!). If you're interested, Bob Meister has absolutely amazing essay that really gets into the nitty-gritty of student debt as a form of financing the public university in /Representations/ from a couple issues back: it's hair-raising and radicalizing.

On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 7:28 PM, Susan E Ryan < <>> wrote:

    As a member of a faculty this idea that I'm paid with student debt
    appalls me.  However, I think it was not always that way.
    Also I know that in the long term (going back to when that wasn't
    the case so much) faculty salaries haven't risen in an exponential
    way.  I haven't had a raise in 4 years, and our raises before that
    were about 2% every 2 to 3 years. However, I have witnessed the
    escalation of university administration, both in the number of
    administrative positions and in the rather breathtaking salaries
    that I have heard
    quoted to me.  These are elite corporate executives. I assume this
    is part of the corporatization of the university, and that that is
    the real culprit. I wonder how many university
    presidents, provosts, and chancellors and their associates,
    assistants, and deans, have signed the pledge. Certainly, collectively
    they have the real agency.

    Perhaps there are other faculty that have different experiences
    from mine, but I found out recently that as a tenured professor,
    at an accredited, research-level public university, I make on
    average the same $ as a dental hygienist. Also, the growth of
    adjunct teaching has skyrocketed.
     We have lost tenured salary lines to adjunct professors, in our
    university's "cost cutting" efforts, efforts that seem like part
    of some ruse, as the cost of education never recedes.
    I'm not sure the salaries of our actual educators are responsible
    for the costs that demand ever mounting student debt.

    Susan Ryan

    Begin forwarded message:

    *From: *Deena Larsen <
    *Date: *November 23, 2012 9:21:20 AM CST
    *To: *"
    <>>, soft_skinned_space
    *Subject: **Re: [-empyre-] Debt Culture--types of debt*
    *Reply-To: *Deena Larsen <
    <>>, soft_skinned_space

    I agree with Brian's discourse, and it is a complicated problem:
    >How can crippling debt become an issue on campus, given that the students 
have yet to be affected by
    it, while the faculty are actually paid with student debt? How to
    break the status quo of isolation and corruption? What can we do
    to transform the basis of social solidarity that Annie talks
    about in her post?
    Thanks to the "truth in lending" credit cards now calculate the
    amount of interest paid and the amount of time if you pay the
    minimum payment. The difficulty is that this does not translate
    well to student loans. Putting a price on an education as a
    "cost" and showing the only "benefit" as a potentially higher
    salary is a lousy way of doing a cost /benefit analysis--kind of
    like saying the only "benefit" worth mentioning in the Grand
    Canyon is the ability to channel water (fish, beauty, etc. don't
    So...either you find a way to calculate non-use values, and the
    risks of not having an educated populace or individual, or you
    completley revamp the school system.
    I wonder how students/faculty/society would react to a proposal
    along the lines of:
    The state provides 4 years worth of academic credit tuition for
    each student. Students would still have to pay for books, living
    expenses, etc.  Then, in return, students' future wages are
    garnished at 10 percent for their lifetime...
    Some would manage to repay that "loan" a hundred fold, while
    others would never repay it at all.
    There are other educational-fudning methods out there.
    Deena Larsen
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