----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
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This month has just whizzed by and Tim and I sadly close down our June 
discussion Paris time so that Simon Biggs and Sue Hawkings can launch July's 
topic Australian time on the first of July.
Asha you and your guests should feel free to finish out your discussions but I 
am sending this from the airport in Paris now as we will be offline until we 
touch down in Newark at noon EST. Time presents such an interesting dynamic in 
this list serve as anyone who has moderated a month's discussion has come to 

At this time we would like to thank our moderators for Sound Paths: Sound 
Studies Expanded.  The breadth of the month's topics on sound has been 
provocative in many ways.  
Week 1: The Creation of Labor through Action moderated by Timothy Taylor (US) 
Week 2: Vibratory Matters: moderated by Marcus Boon(CA) with Nina Eldsheim and 
Douglas Kahn 
Week 3: Sound Art, Curating, Technology, Theory moderated by Jim Drobnick (CA) 
with Darren Copeland, David Cecchetto, Marc Couroux, Christoph Cox, Kevin 
deForest, Ryan Alexander Diduck, Paul Dolden, Dave Dyment, Anna Friz, Seth 
Kim-Cohen, Andra McCartney, John Oswald, Eldritch Priest, Salome Voegelin
Week 4:Feminism Confronts Audio Technology moderated by Asha Tamirisa (US) with 
Rachel Devorah Trapp (US) , Monisola Gbadebo (US), Lyn Goeringer (US), Caroline 
Park (US)
Though we have touched on a number of sound related topics if any of our 
participants are interested in designating an entire month to extend the 
discussion we do have a month towards the latter part of this year open.  Just 
send an email our way.
I want to take the time to give a shout out to Asha and her guests for offering 
a feminist perspective on sound this past week.  My travels have prevented me 
from having the internet access I needed to participate fully but I do have so 
many questions for you that extend beyond the practice of making but imply more 
political implications.  I would love to spend more time in nurturing topics 
relating to feminism and technology.  I mentioned that a couple of weeks ago I 
attended the FemTechNet workshop at the New School.  An international 
discussion involving feminist technologies would interest me and I know many of 
our guests so if anyone is willing to co-moderate a month with me in the future 
let me know as well.
Simon and Sue thanks for taking over July.  Just a note to let you all know 
that -empyre will be offline in  August once again for our yearly break.  
au revoir,  Renate and Tim

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