Hi Tuomas,

See in line.

On ke, 2019-03-06 at 12:23 +0000, Aura Tuomas wrote:
> Hi Dan and Rafa,
> Thank you for the questions!
> Yes, the Initial Exchange in EAP-NOOB always ends in EAP-Failure. 
> Then, we give some time for the user to transfer the OOB message.
> After the OOB step, the peer tries again and the Completion Exchange
> ends in EAP-Success.
> Yes, the out-of-band (OOB) message is cryptographically bound to the
> ECHD result. That, is the message authentication code (Hoob) in the
> OOB message takes the ECDH output as one of its inputs.

This statement is not completely true. If you look at the Hoob
calculation specified in the draft https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-au

Hoob = H(Dir,Vers,Verp,PeerId,Cryptosuites,Dirs,ServerInfo,Cryptos

As you can see, the Hoob only confirms the public keys involved in the
ECDHE exchange but not actually use the shared secret derived. Thus, it
does not use the ECDHE output. 

However, from my implementation experience, I think this is the correct
way to calculate Hoob since it allows applications to externalize the
generation of random nonce Noob and the corresponding Hoob. This would
allow deployments to choose how often these values are created. For
example, some display devices might refersh the QR code containing Noob
and Hoob every few minutes. 


> Our current implementation opportunistically tries all the W-Fi
> network that support WPA2-Enterprise. It definitely would be better
> to advertise the capability for EAP-NOOB in IEEE 802.11u, or even
> advertise the domain of the EAP-NOOB server. I think it will take
> some time before the 802.11 APs start to support EAP-NOOB in that
> way, though, and we want the protocol to work with existing Wi-Fi
> networks.
> The realm used by the peer is initially “eap-noob.net”. The server
> can assign another realm in Initial Exchange. The main purpose for
> assigning another realm is that the peer can later use it for roaming
> in access networks that have AAA routing set up for the assigned
> realm.
> We have only tested EAP-NOOB on Wi-Fi: https://github.com/tuomaura/ea
> p-noob. It can be used on any networks that support EAP and where the
> user-assisted OOB authentication methods makes sense from the user
> experience perspective.
> Regards,
> Tuomas
> From: Emu <emu-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Dan Garcia
> Sent: Monday, 28 January, 2019 13:39
> To: emu@ietf.org
> Subject: [Emu] Questions about EAP-NOOB
> Importance: High
> Dear Toumas, Mohit,
> We have been discussing EAP NOOB draft we would like to ask some
> questions about it. It is a very interesting approach related to
> IoT.  
> In EAP-NOOB as first step the EAP authenticator starts the
> authenction (e.g. the AP), eap-noob happens but it seems there will
> be a EAP failure , is this correct?
> Assuming it is, if you send an EAP failure, will the EAP method still
> continue? How would this work? Since we are waiting, we assume, from
> an EAP success, or an alternative way of confirmation that the
> authentication has been completed.
> It seems that the user gets something from the IoT device this
> something is due to the ECDH, right?
> Regarding the discovery of the EAP authenticator. The AP should
> announce what are the available domains to where it is connected ( a
> solution based on the AAA infraestructure ?) Could this information
> be provided to the AP using IEEE 802.11u?
> Related to this, what would be the realm provided by the EAP peer to
> the authenticator?
> Another question would be which are the main radio technologies where
> EAP NOOB is expected to be used. Are you planning to support
> 802.15.4, WIFI, etc? In this line, do you have any EAP-NOOB
> implementation in Contiki?
> Thank you in advance. 
> Best Regards.
> Dan and Rafa.
> -- 
> =================================================================
>  Dan Garcia Carrillo, Ph.D. 
> Doctorado Industrial (MINECO) 
> E-mail: dgar...@odins.es  
> Odin Solutions, S.L. 
> Polígono Industrial Oeste 
> C/ Perú, 5, 3º, Oficina 12 
> 30820 - Alcantarilla (Murcia) - Spain 
> Tlf.: +34 902 570 121 
> Web: www.odins.es 
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