Russ Housley <> wrote:
    >>> The second is, I think, that the EAP server (Authentication Server), 
would run
    >>> an OCSP responder locally so that it can mint it's own staples.
    >>> AFAIK, each certificate can point to a different OCSP signer.
    >> Does anyone actually do that?

    > I am aware of some places that generate an OCSP response for the entire
    > population of certificates, and those responsed are distributed to many
    > locations.  I am not aware of anyone that distributes the OCSP
    > responder signature private key to multiple locations.

Does anyone put different OCSP signers into different certificates?
I.e. shard the work?

I think that splitting the OCSP reponses to many locations might solve the
industrial situation well.
I think that there is also some significant space to tune the validity

But, I agree with Eliot: the OCSP responder is new.

It seems that maybe SHOULD would appropriate on OCSP.

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