On Sep 10, 2023, at 6:38 PM, Michael Richardson <mcr+i...@sandelman.ca> wrote:
> So, this replaces draft-richardson-emu-eap-onboarding-03
> which would use onboard...@eap.arpa.  (Hmm. I keep thinking it was going to
> be "nob...@eap.arpa")

  This document defines the @eap.arpa and the associated registry.  It doesn't 
define how entries in the registry are used.  There's a trivial example, but 
it's not fleshed out.

>> HTML:     https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-dekok-emu-eap-arpa-00.html
> You use por...@eap.arpa here.
> I think that this is a mistake to be so specific.
> I don't think the supplicant should know/care, at this point, what kind of
> access it is going to get.  I liked what we we had done with eap-onboarding
> where you get limited network, and then if DHCP says, via the DHCP option
> (or the RA option) that there is a captive portal, then it should do that.
> Or, it could say do RFC8995 (BRSKI) via GRASP announcement.
> Or...

  There have been long discussions about not tying EAP to DHCP.  I forget which 
RFC it is, but there's an IAB architectural document which says this is a bad 

  I think the supplicant should know what kind of access it's getting.  This is 
also a signal to the RADIUS server as to what kind of authorization to send to 
the NAS / switch.

  In contrast, if there's only one kind of on-boarding access, authorization 
has to be done through DHCP which has much more limited capabilities for that.

  Alan DeKok.

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