Alan DeKok <> wrote:
    >> I think that this is a mistake to be so specific.
    >> I don't think the supplicant should know/care, at this point, what kind 
    >> access it is going to get.  I liked what we we had done with 
    >> where you get limited network, and then if DHCP says, via the DHCP option
    >> (or the RA option) that there is a captive portal, then it should do 
    >> Or, it could say do RFC8995 (BRSKI) via GRASP announcement.
    >> Or...

    > There have been long discussions about not tying EAP to DHCP.  I forget
    > which RFC it is, but there's an IAB architectural document which says
    > this is a bad idea.

There is no connection here.
EAP(nobody) gets you a useable L2.
L2 makes DHCP possible.  There is no link, and they are not tied.

    > I think the supplicant should know what kind of access it's getting.
    > This is also a signal to the RADIUS server as to what kind of
    > authorization to send to the NAS / switch.

When you write this, what I am hearing: the end user has to know everything
about the network they are joining.  And that's exactly what I think we are
trying to avoid.

    > In contrast, if there's only one kind of on-boarding access,
    > authorization has to be done through DHCP which has much more limited
    > capabilities for that.

There are possibly many different ways depending upon where you open the lid
of your laptop, phone, chromebook, personal IoT device.

Michael Richardson <>   . o O ( IPv6 IøT consulting )
           Sandelman Software Works Inc, Ottawa and Worldwide

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