
I use encfs as "normal" user - just ones created and then just
mount/unmout - no games with passwords, no use of  encfsctl, no
other encfs filesystems, nothing. All the time just one encfs FS
with the just one password on the same Ubuntu version (10.10) - no
access from elsewhere, ... 

Ones I have renamed some directories on mounted encfs and move files
and dirs, add files, ... (just normal operations).
But after some next boots I have find out, that some dirs are empty
and the files are invisible (in decrypted form).

(also I thing no crasches - and even if - It could not affect so
many files at time)  

But in encrypted directory the files are there - but in parent
directory, but not visible in decrypted form.

I have also try to make 2 test dirs "encr" and "decr". In encr I had
copy some files from (sub)dirs which are OK + some of the invisible
ones. After mounting the first ones are OK and the second still not.

WHAT could happen ?
Why are some files at once invisible ?

Is there some log file to see whats wrong ?
e.g. why encfs do not try to decode this files ? Why ignores them ? 

It is possible to get some info from the invisible encrypted file ?
- e.g. algoritmus used, key size, ..., key signature, ... ?

Maybe is just the filename damaged - is it not possible to  get back
at least content ?

I had use encfs for backup of sensitive important files - AND NOW

Please HELP. Thanks all.


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