I think user group is fine but not changing it clan. Not a good idea. 

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On Dec 2, 2013, at 2:51 PM, "William Jon McCann" <william.jon.mcc...@gmail.com> 

> Hi,
> In the process of doing some cleanup of our online presence, I noticed that 
> our local community team experience isn't very cohesive or inviting.
> We have a bunch of stuff scattered around the wiki with the center of it 
> apparently being https://wiki.gnome.org/UserGroups . 
> While the term LUG or UG may resonate with some older users it doesn't really 
> seem too inviting to me or some of the people I've tried to reach out to 
> (ugh).
> So, I started thinking about what groups of gnomes might be called...
> Something that is a word and not an acronym.
> Something that avoids the tired old patterns.
> Something that is a warm, inviting, and evokes kinship.
> How about being part of a clan?
> I propose that we:
>  * Rename https://wiki.gnome.org/UserGroups to https://wiki.gnome.org/Clans
>  * Move individual team content under that page (eg. 
> https://wiki.gnome.org/GnomeBrasil -> https://wiki.gnome.org/Clans/Brasil)
>  * Streamline the presentation of the clans page and add a map
> What do you think? Should we go ahead?
> Thanks,
> Jon
> PS. If you insist on justification by acronym here you go: community [for] 
> local activity and networking :)
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