Hello everyone,

Sri mentioned I was working on a proposal for the Annual Report.
Well, here it is so we can comment on it at the meeting. :)

The annual report is GNOME's annual story, about its people.

But every story needs a narrative or else it's just bland anecdote. We need
a struggle to overcome[1].

The last couple of years I believe we have faced two things: innovation and
- Outreach is our continued effort to gain in diversity and health as a
community. This is big, and innovative for the context.
- We have been working hard on innovation and modernization, fighting our
own legacy and other's expectations[2].

These two things have been GNOME's (narratology) conflict in the recent
years, and will probably be for the following.

Based on that, I propose we build this year's report on the following:
- Purpose: Sharing our achievements and goals with our extended family.
- Plot: GNOME in a continual quest for innovation and outreach.
- People: The GNOME community members.

And to guide editorial decisions these five keywords[3]:
- Diversity: we are a big mix of friends of every size, kind and style.
- Dynamic: we are changing everything we need to change, adapting and
- Community: GNOME is people, and that's why we love it.
- Resolve: we are not afraid of aiming high, we can do it.
- Solid: we are all fun loving, but also know how to do serious business.

These are a guide, a "mood board", for what we are aiming for.

For the next step, we would gather proposals for articles and then decide
on those based on these building blocks.

I believe that the following actions can go like this:

- February 15: "Story First Freeze".
- February 20: Rank possible articles and "must haves".
- February 24: Asign articles to volunteer writers, as they fit.

- March 03: #1 feedback loop with writers.
- March 10: #2 feedback loop with writers. Photo selection, feedback.
- March 17: Final feedback of articles, readying for "Articles Freeze".
- March 24: Based on the almost finished content, start design.
- March 31: "Articles Freeze": text and photos are set. Minor changes

- April 07: #1 design iteration. WestCoastSummit, evaluate a "feature" on
- April 14: #2 design iteration.
- April 21: Final design iteration. "Design Freeze".
- April 28: Publish! Profit! Party!

Thanks for reading, let's do this!


1- A struggle does not have to be something evil or bad, it can be an
everyday problem, or a personal goal. It's just an excuse for having a
beginning, middle, end.
2- Meaning everyone who has pitchforks and torches with our names on them.
3- I can't recommend this enough:
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