On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 11:08 AM Jeff F. T. <nekoh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Le lundi 08 février 2016 à 18:33 +0000, Allan Day a écrit :
> […]
> I've had a rough go at sketching out an infographic that communicates some
> of this information. Some things are missing, and some parts are quite
> rough:
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5031519/gnome-year-infographic.png
> Sorry folks, in the flurry of things here, and with my mail filters hiding
> this thread from my view, I forgot about this til today.
> I have to say wow, Allan, that version of yours looks really good. Other
> than the bottom part (specifically the "}", the arrows and the background
> of some of the distributors' logos), I'm not sure what else you could
> consider in need of work there. Do you have specific items that bug you?
> Otherwise I think we could roll with that and call it a day…

I'm inclined to do the same, but we can put a note saying that we are
looking for people to improve it.  We can also file a bug under engagement
as a feature request.. what do people think?


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