Hi all,

Now I'm using the code generation suites of ovirt-engine-sdk, I find it is very troublesome.

IMO,  we can simplify the process. And I want to engaged in it.

there are two tools parse the api.xsd and generate the params.py code. They are generateds_gui.py and generateDS.py. but there still some code can not be generate by these tools. now we should add these codes manually.

the not NOT_GENERATED codes are as follow in the current  params.py code:
1.  import python module
2.  a new attribute of GeneratedsSuper class
3.  modify the get_root_tag function.
4.  modify the parseString function to shut up the stdout.
5.  _rootClassMap
6 . _elementToClassMap
7. findRootClass

And I have two ideas about the code generation.
For we should not modify the generateDS.py tools.
But we can improve it.

I think the 1, 2, 3, 7, can be hard-code, and 4, 5 and 6 can be configured.
So I want to add an configure file to tell how to add the extra code that are not generated by generateDS.py tools. And new python program, as extension of generateDS.py to read the configure file and generate these codes.

Or without the configure file, just make the new python program that supports an interactive commands.
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