19.07.2013 22:48, Fabio Esteves:
> So, the only solution is to convince all my contacts (or at least the
> ones I talk most to) to use the same system.

That would be the ultimate solution.

> Since I don't belive they will, I can only change email services,
> like tormail or another alternative...

Be aware that Tormail is in no way affiliated with the Tor Project and
that it is unknown who operates it.

Your current email provider and all other email providers out there are
in the position to read your emails. With most services you are able to
use encryption for the transport; the message will be send from your
computer to their server and no one* can read the message.

Tormail offers the same property of transport encryption without relying
on the CA system as it uses Tor's hidden service system. Another
property you gain is that Tormail does not learn about your location
(unless you write it in your messages). Tormail still learns about your
friends communicating with you.

(You can get the same result if you create an email account over Tor and
use your account over Tor, if the provider does not block Tor.)

Email providers have access to your emails and are able to hand them out
to government agencies. Tormail might look good in this regard, but
since it is unknown who operates it it might be the exact opposite.

Supposing you find an email provider that gives you all you want, your
friends would have to switch to, because if you don't trust their
providers you have lost the game.

Using encryption for the content of your message is more worthwhile.

Well, yes all of them would have to use it.

PGP and OTR are solutions and they work regardless of the service.


*Someone could perform a man-in-the-middle attack if he/she owns a
certificate that your browser or email-client trusts.

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