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On 2/2/2014 12:40 PM, Philip Jackson wrote:
> Hi :
> I have now managed by pulling and pushing borders to get a display
> of key manager with 5 columns : Name, KeyID, Type,  Key validity,
> Expiry.  This is quite acceptable.
> On 02/02/2014 16:42, Patrick Brunschwig wrote:
>> There is ... you have to drag the column border on the _left_
>> side of the rightmost column to make it smaller (not my decision
>> -- Thunderbird standard functionality...)
> When I add 'fingerprint', 'name' shoves off the left hand side.
> You are quite right that by dragging the border on the left-hand
> side of the rightmost wide fingerprint column, I can reduce its
> width.  But the result just pushes the excess width to the second
> right column.  Grabbing the left-hand border of the 2nd right
> column and dragging to the right just pushes the rightmost column 
> out of the window.  You can get it back by using the scroll button
> but then you lose the left hand columns.
> The problem seems to come down to this :-- the 'name' column has
> not disappeared but has collapsed down to leaving a small trace -
> the up/down arrow which is situated at the right-hand edge of each
> column and which indicates the sorting direction. A single click on
> this remnant does change the sorting direction correctly (ie
> according to 'name' values). Also visible is the series of small
> arrows, the expand gadget, normally at the left-hand edge of the
> name column and which serves to expand each key.  These also work 
> but additional IDs are not visible because the name column no
> longer has the width needed.
> This remnant of the collapsed 'name' column can just be seen in the
> image keymanager2.png attached to my previous email.
> In Thunderbird, for the email fields, I have 19 possible optional
> columns in addition to the 'subject' column (equivalent to 'name'
> in enigmail ie the column which cannot be deselected).  I can
> select all 19 optional columns at the same time without the
> 'subject' column collapsing.  Of course, even if I expand
> Thunderbird to full screen, you get very limited info in some of
> the columns.  But they are all visible.
> My conclusion is that there must be some difference in the
> implementation of the key manager display and the Thunderbird
> display.
> But since this does not seem to affect anyone else, and I now have
> an acceptable display of Key Manager, there seems no point in
> continuing this thread.  Thank you all for your assistance in
> helping me get a better display.

In the top right corner the is an area with a '-' sign for minimuse
and a square box to full screen and a red 'X' to close. Can you
display what all you want when you click the 'square'?

- -- 

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Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


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