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On 02/02/2014 20:31, David wrote:
> On 2/2/2014 12:40 PM, Philip Jackson wrote:
>> Hi :
>> I have now managed by pulling and pushing borders to get a display of key
>> manager with 5 columns : Name, KeyID, Type,  Key validity, Expiry.  This
>> is quite acceptable.
>> On 02/02/2014 16:42, Patrick Brunschwig wrote:
>>> There is ... you have to drag the column border on the _left_ side of
>>> the rightmost column to make it smaller (not my decision -- Thunderbird
>>> standard functionality...)
>> When I add 'fingerprint', 'name' shoves off the left hand side. You are
>> quite right that by dragging the border on the left-hand side of the
>> rightmost wide fingerprint column, I can reduce its width.  But the
>> result just pushes the excess width to the second right column.  Grabbing
>> the left-hand border of the 2nd right column and dragging to the right
>> just pushes the rightmost column out of the window.  You can get it back
>> by using the scroll button but then you lose the left hand columns.
>> The problem seems to come down to this :-- the 'name' column has not
>> disappeared but has collapsed down to leaving a small trace - the up/down
>> arrow which is situated at the right-hand edge of each column and which
>> indicates the sorting direction. A single click on this remnant does
>> change the sorting direction correctly (ie according to 'name' values).
>> Also visible is the series of small arrows, the expand gadget, normally
>> at the left-hand edge of the name column and which serves to expand each
>> key.  These also work but additional IDs are not visible because the name
>> column no longer has the width needed.
>> This remnant of the collapsed 'name' column can just be seen in the image
>> keymanager2.png attached to my previous email.
>> In Thunderbird, for the email fields, I have 19 possible optional columns
>> in addition to the 'subject' column (equivalent to 'name' in enigmail ie
>> the column which cannot be deselected).  I can select all 19 optional
>> columns at the same time without the 'subject' column collapsing.  Of
>> course, even if I expand Thunderbird to full screen, you get very limited
>> info in some of the columns.  But they are all visible.
>> My conclusion is that there must be some difference in the implementation
>> of the key manager display and the Thunderbird display.
>> But since this does not seem to affect anyone else, and I now have an
>> acceptable display of Key Manager, there seems no point in continuing
>> this thread.  Thank you all for your assistance in helping me get a
>> better display.
> In the top right corner the is an area with a '-' sign for minimuse and a
> square box to full screen and a red 'X' to close. Can you display what all
> you want when you click the 'square'?
David : no - full screen mode doesn't change anything.  The problem seems to
be that the 'name' column (enigmail's key manager default column) collapses at
the left hand edge of the key manager window.

See comments above re: Thunderbird's behaviour when all mail (20) columns are
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