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On 06.01.15 15:23, Philip Jackson wrote:
> On 06/01/15 13:07, Ian Mann wrote:
>> I am going to stick with ver 1.8 because of the graphics in
>> write mode.
>> The fact that you can see the large padlock alerted me to the 
>> issue I was experiencing.
> I've been using "Running Enigmail version 1.8a1pre
> (20150102-0013)" since 2nd Jan and my first reaction was to wonder
> where the sign and encrypt buttons had gone to as I searched a
> vacant right hand side of the tool bar.
> Then I saw the new enigmail toolbar and I do think it's an 
> improvement.

I agree. We're still working on improving the icons, but it's
certainly a lot better now than before.

> I use "convenient encryption setting"  and if I write 'TO' an 
> address where I have the public key of the person, the padlock is 
> yellow and I see that the message will be encrypted.
> As soon as I change the 'TO' to 'BCC' or 'Reply to' the padlock 
> goes grey and the message will not be encrypted.
> Changing to 'CC' gets yellow padlock and encrypted message status.
> Changing back to 'TO' or 'CC' gets encryption back - and this can 
> be repeated ad infinitum.
> If it hadn't been for this thread, I'm not sure I would have 
> noticed the padlock changing colour.
> Curiously, if I use two address lines, one for 'TO' or 'CC' and 
> other for 'BCC' or 'Reply to' (both addresses for which I have 
> public keys), the padlock stays yellow.   It doesn't matter in 
> which order these two address lines are.
> There is another oddity :
> If I have one address line 'TO' with an address for which I have 
> the key. the padlock is yellow and the message will be encrypted.
> If I add a second line 'TO' or 'CC' with an address for which I do 
> not have the public key, the padlock goes grey and the message
> will not be encrypted.
> But if I change the second 'TO' to 'BCC' or 'Reply to', the
> padlock goes yellow again and the text says the message will be
> encrypted.
> I didn't send any of the emails - I'm only commenting on visual 
> behaviour (display logic).  It would look like the display logic 
> needs re-examining.

The point here is (I know, it's not well enough documented) that I
decided to ignore per-recipient rules for BCC recipient; and we also
decided to exclude BCC recipients from some of the logic for
enabling/disabling encryption. Unfortunately I don't recall the reasons.

If you think this should be changed, then you're invited to discuss
this here. I never use BCC recipients in conjunction with encryption,
so I can't really estimate how to proceed here.

- -Patrick

Version: GnuPG v2


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