On 07/03/15 20:55, Lars Noodén wrote:
> On 07.03.2015 21:45, Rainer Blome wrote:
>> ...
>> Looking at the headers, the character encoding strikes me as a
>> potential leak, as some values, such as "charset=windows-1252",
>> hint at the probable OS used.
> Either Thunderbird or Enigmail often set my replies to windows-1252
> instead of normal UTF-8 despite using GNU/Linux.  I'm not sure which
> component is responsible and cannot trigger it on demand though.

I've checked a load of my outgoing emails, originals which were not replying to
another message.  Most of the unsigned and signed but not encrypted messages
show charset=windows-1252 -- but I'm on linux.

Some unsigned and some signed, not encrypted, messages show UTF-8 and I can't
immediately see any reason for the difference.  On one occasion, of 4
consecutive unsigned emails to the same person, three were 1252 and one was 

Since this affects signed and unsigned mails, it is unlikely to be an enigmail

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