On 2015-03-13 10:45, Philip Jackson wrote:
> On 13/03/15 08:28, Patrick Brunschwig wrote:
>> On 12.03.15 20:38, Philip Jackson wrote:
>>> Using Thunderbird 31.5.0 with Enigmail version 1.8a1pre
>>> (20150312-0013) on linux.
>>> <snip>
>>> For this spontaneous change to occur, one needs these factors to
>>> exist :
>>> 1. the 'To' field is in red type (with a red cursor) 
>>> 2. the 'To' field must be completed and not left blank 
>>> 3. the spontaneous change in message status occurs around five or six 
>>> minutes into the
>>> creation of the email - the body can be blank or partly filled.
>> Could it be triggered by auto-saving a draft message?
> Thanks Patrick - you're spot on !  After all the years of using it, I didn't
> even know Thunderbird did periodic backups.  I've never seen a backup 
> directory
> in the file system nor in the profiles.  However, it was doing a backup every 
> 5
> minutes.

(Draft mails go in a local "drafts" folder that presumably is stored the
same way as any other mail folder. You can also view the folder from
within TB, same as any other.)

> Further testing shows pretty well that the automatic backup is linked with a
> change in the settings in the "Enigmail Encryption and Settings" dialog box.
> Prior to the backup interval, only the sign check box was ticked.  After the
> backup interval, the encrypt box was ticked and the sign box was blank.

The message becoming encrypted may be a symptom of drafts being saved
encrypted. This *ought* to be decoupled from whether or not the message
is ultimately *sent* encrypted, but I'd believe a bug exists here.

I might also believe that signing is the same way; probably the draft is
not signed (that seems rather silly, after all). Again, this *ought* to
be decoupled from how the message is finally sent, but...

> The change induced by Thunderbird seems to be one way only : sign -> encrypt. 
> It
> doesn't reverse itself back to 'sign only' after a further backup period. But 
> if
> you reset to 'sign only', after another backup period, it flips again to 
> encrypt.

That isn't surprising if what's happening is the settings for how the
draft is saved are overwriting how you've asked the mail to be sent...


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